This package contains 'rpm2targz', a simple utility to convert Red Hat-style
RPM packages into standard tar.gz archives. Converted binary packages can then
be installed/removed using the 'installpkg/removepkg' commands, or 'pkgtool'.
It's advisable to at least examine the converted package with 'less' to make
sure it won't do anything too crazy to your system. If it does, Patrick
Volkerding and David Cantrell are not responsible, so use this at your own
risk. :-)
By default, rpm2targz will attempt to use "file" to detect source RPMS, and will
put the contents into a subdirectory in the resulting package. This may not be
portable to other operating systems -- if you're trying to run rpm2targz on an
OS that doesn't have a file that knows RPM types, and you care about this source
RPM feature, you can compile and install David Cantrell's standalone getrpmtype
utility. The getrpmtype.tar.gz source archive can be found in Slackware's
source tree in source/a/rpm2tgz/.