# Configuration for slackpkg+. # Please read manpage: "man slackpkgplus.conf" and documentation /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README # Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+ SLACKPKGPLUS=on # set to '0' to never show the download progress bar # set to '1' to show the bar only in download packages (default) # set to '2' to always show the download bar # set to '3' for a debug mode VERBOSE=1 # Enable TERSE to use a smaller output in installpkg/upgradepkg USETERSE=on # Enable a smaller output for slackpkg search. It replace first column with one colorized # on: [unin] uninstalled, [inst] installed, [upgr] upgrade, [mask] uninstalled/masked # tiny: [-] uninstalled, [I] installed, [I] upgrade, [M] uninstalled/masked # off: leave unchanged and black/white. #TERSESEARCH=tiny TERSESEARCH=on # Use proxy. Leave commented to use system settings. #PROXY=off #PROXY=: # Enable (on) / Disable (off) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip # the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line: # 'USEBL=off slackpkg upgrade-all' USEBL=on # Enable (on) / Disable (off) the legacy blacklist system ignoring the improvement # from slackpkg 15. Some improvement are not useful with third party repositories # Note that the legacy system does apply it as regex to the entire pkglist row # repository, name, version, arch, build, fullname, series/path, extension. LEGACYBL=off # Add custom option to 'wget'. # You can solve the repository unavailability problems by set a timeout here # Also add "-q" for super terse output (useful with USETERSE=on) WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2" # If you want replace wget with another downloader search DOWNLOADCMD in documentation # at /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README #DOWNLOADCMD="wget2 --progress=bar -O" # Enable (on) / Disable (off) checking disk space to download and install packages. Default to "off" #CHECKDISKSPACE=on # Defines if the changelog of any third party repository must be searched in parent URL when not found in base URL. # Can be set to "on" or "off" (default) SEARCH_CLOG_INPARENT=on # Use the cache for metadata files (CHECKSUMS.md5,...). Enable it (on) to speedup the slackpkg update # process by downloading just new files (see README). Disabled by default (off) CACHEUPDATE=off # You can download-only by setting DOWNLOADONLY to 'on'. You may (you should) also use it in command line, # for example: "DOWNLOADONLY=on slackpkg upgrade-all". Useful for large upgrades. # You may also use 'slackpkg download' if you want to download few packages #DOWNLOADONLY=off # Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf) #ENABLENOTIFY=off # Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist GREYLIST=on # Defines if commands 'search' and 'file-search' are case-sensitive (on) or not (off). Default to "on" SENSITIVE_SEARCH=off # Defines if command 'file-search' does search Whole Word (on) or accept partial words (off). Note that # you may obtains many many results searching a short partial word WW_FILE_SEARCH=off # Select the show order in dialog box. Available "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch" SHOWORDER=package # Allow to show more details of the package in 'slackpkg info '. Accepts "none", "basic", "filelist" DETAILED_INFO=basic # Define the GPG variable if not already defined by slackpkg: prefer gpg (1.x) on 15.0 like in the newer slackpkg, # on newer Slackware is already defined by /usr/libexec/slackpkg/core-functions.sh GPG=${GPG:-gpg} # Enable (on) / Disable (off) a Strict GPG Check. A repository should contains packages signed # with the only original GPG-KEY. In some custom repository may be wanted to mix heterogeneous # packages; to use that repository set Strict GPG Check to off. P.S: a repository can # contain just ONE gpg-key; you may manually import the other. STRICTGPG=on # If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify # from which repository you prefer to search it. # The syntax is ":" # Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use "" # Examples: #PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc ) # OR #PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo ) # # if you have two repositories to give priority you must set both in the same line #PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc ) # # Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the # same tag of the already installed package. Typically that means to upgrade a package from the # same author of the already installed package. # Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the # same tag. # Set TAG_PRIORITY to 'on' to enable this function TAG_PRIORITY=off # List repositories you want to use (defined below) # remember to launch 'slackpkg update' if you modify this row. #REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob ) REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus ) # Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS) # GPG Note: after adding/renaming a repository, you must to run 'slackpkg update gpg'; # some repositories as salixos, have a partial GPG support; # for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with 'slackpkg -checkgpg=off ...' # Slackware 15.0 - i386 #MIRRORPLUS['alienbob']=https://slackware.nl/people/alien/sbrepos/15.0/x86/ #MIRRORPLUS['restricted']=https://slackware.nl/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/15.0/x86/ # use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated to the latest stable release MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']=https://slackware.nl/slackpkgplus/ # use the development branch to use the mainline version and help develop by reporting bugs. #MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']=https://slackware.nl/slackpkgplusdev/ # Local repository: #MIRRORPLUS['alienbob']=file://repositories/alien/sbrepos/15.0/x86/ # # Local packages (you do not need metadata nor 'slackpkg update' command): #MIRRORPLUS['myrepo']=dir://repositories/mypackages/ # # Remote packages (you do not need metadata) #MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgbeta']=httpsdir://slackpkg.org/beta/ # SBo SlackBuilds. Uncomment it to allow slackpkg to search SlackBuilds on SlackBuilds.org # This does not replace sbopkg; slackpkg just report the package, version and url; you may # download it via 'slackpkg download ' and build it yourself or via sbopkg. #SBO['15.0']=https://www.slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds/15.0/ #SBO['current']=https://github.com/Ponce/slackbuilds # Plugin section: # Here you can enable some optional feature. Please read documentation before enable it. # # ZLookKernel can help you to rebuild initrd and reinstall lilo/elilo/grub. This feature was # removed in slackpkg-15.0. 'enable' this setting to enable it. # read /usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/zlookkernel.sh for more information # It will ask confirmations at every step, unless you will set 'PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_PROMPT=off' # It will manage /boot/vmlinuz by default; if you use kernel generic, please set # the PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-generic to manage it #PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL=disable #PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_PROMPT=on #PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz # # ZChangeLog track all repository changes everytime you run 'slackpkg update' # It write the changelog at /var/lib/slackpkg/RepoChangeLog.txt # 'enable' this setting to enable it. Also set 'PLUGIN_ZCHANGELOGS_SHOW=on' to print # the changes in standard output at the end of 'update' process. # read /usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/zchangelog.sh for more information #PLUGIN_ZCHANGELOG=disable #PLUGIN_ZCHANGELOG_SHOW=off # # # Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes): #