# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab # Thanks to AlienBob and phenixia2003 (on LQ) for contributing # A special thanks to all packagers that make slackpkg+ useful declare -A MIRRORPLUS declare -A SBO declare -A NOTIFYMSG # regular expression used to distinguish the 3rd party repositories from the standard slackware directories. # SLACKDIR_REGEXP="^((slackware)|(slackware64)|(extra)|(pasture)|(patches)|(testing))$" # CLOG_PKGREGEX : regular expression used to find package entry in ChangeLog files # CLOG_SEPREGEX : regular expression that match the "standard" entry separator in a ChangeLog file CLOG_PKGREGEX="^[^ ]*:[ ]+(added|moved|rebuilt|upgraded)" CLOG_SEPREGEX="^[+][-]+[+][ ]*$" if [ -e $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf ];then # You can override GREYLIST WGETOPTS SLACKPKGPLUS VERBOSE USEBL ALLOW32BIT SENSITIVE_SEARCH from command-line EXTLEGACYBL=$LEGACYBL EXTGREYLIST=$GREYLIST EXTALLOW32BIT=$ALLOW32BIT EXTSLACKPKGPLUS=$SLACKPKGPLUS EXTVERBOSE=$VERBOSE EXTUSEBL=$USEBL EXTWGETOPTS=$WGETOPTS EXTDOWNLOADCMD=$DOWNLOADCMD EXTTAG_PRIORITY=$TAG_PRIORITY EXTSENSITIVE_SEARCH=$SENSITIVE_SEARCH EXTCACHEUPDATE=$CACHEUPDATE EXTDOWNLOADONLY=$DOWNLOADONLY EXTSTRICTGPG=$STRICTGPG EXTDETAILED_INFO=$DETAILED_INFO EXTWW_FILE_SEARCH=$WW_FILE_SEARCH EXTUSETERSE=$USETERSE EXTTERSESEARCH=$TERSESEARCH EXTPROXY=$PROXY # Color escape codes c_blk='\033[1;30m' c_red='\033[1;31m' c_grn='\033[1;32m' c_yel='\033[1;33m' c_blu='\033[1;34m' c_mag='\033[1;35m' c_cyn='\033[1;36m' c_gry='\033[1;90m' c_wht='\033[1;67m' c_hid='\033[8m' c_off='\033[0m' . $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf c_upgr="${c_upgr:-$c_red}" c_inst="${c_inst:-$c_grn}" c_mask="${c_mask:-$c_gry}" c_unin="${c_unin:-$c_blu}" LEGACYBL=${EXTLEGACYBL:-$LEGACYBL} GREYLIST=${EXTGREYLIST:-$GREYLIST} ALLOW32BIT=${EXTALLOW32BIT:-$ALLOW32BIT} SLACKPKGPLUS=${EXTSLACKPKGPLUS:-$SLACKPKGPLUS} VERBOSE=${EXTVERBOSE:-$VERBOSE} USEBL=${EXTUSEBL:-$USEBL} WGETOPTS=${EXTWGETOPTS:-$WGETOPTS} DOWNLOADCMD=${EXTDOWNLOADCMD:-$DOWNLOADCMD} TAG_PRIORITY=${EXTTAG_PRIORITY:-$TAG_PRIORITY} SENSITIVE_SEARCH=${EXTSENSITIVE_SEARCH:-$SENSITIVE_SEARCH} CACHEUPDATE=${EXTCACHEUPDATE:-$CACHEUPDATE} DOWNLOADONLY=${EXTDOWNLOADONLY:-$DOWNLOADONLY} STRICTGPG=${EXTSTRICTGPG:-$STRICTGPG} DETAILED_INFO=${EXTDETAILED_INFO:-$DETAILED_INFO} WW_FILE_SEARCH=${EXTWW_FILE_SEARCH:-$WW_FILE_SEARCH} USETERSE=${EXTUSETERSE:-$USETERSE} TERSESEARCH=${EXTTERSESEARCH:-$TERSESEARCH} PROXY=${EXTPROXY:-$PROXY} if [ "$PROXY" == "off" ];then unset http_proxy unset https_proxy else http_proxy=$PROXY https_proxy=$PROXY export http_proxy https_proxy fi if [ "$USETERSE" == "on" ];then TERSE=0 # note that TERSE=0 means TERSE ENABLED; undocumentated feature in installpkg(8) else TERSE= fi export TERSE USEBLACKLIST=true if [ "$USEBL" == "off" -o "$USEBL" == "0" ];then USEBLACKLIST=false fi if [ "$ENABLENOTIFY" = "on" -a -e $CONF/notifymsg.conf ];then . $CONF/notifymsg.conf fi fi if [ "$SLACKPKGPLUS" = "on" ];then # function internal_blacklist() # function applyblacklist() # function cleanup() # function needs_restarting() # function handle_event() # function remove_pkg() # function installpkg() // if DOWNLOADONLY=on override /sbin/installpkg # function upgradepkg() // if DOWNLOADONLY=on override /sbin/upgradepkg # function upgrade_pkg() # function install_pkg() # function wgetdebug() # function cached_downloader() # function getpkg() # function getfile() # function checkgpg() # function checkmd5() # function givepriority() # function searchPackages() # function searchlistEX() # function more_info() # function showChangeLogInfo() # function showlist() // dialog=on # function showlist() // dialog=off ##### ===== BLACKLIST FUNCTIONS === ##### # Patching makelist() original function to accept pkglist-pre eval "$(type makelist | sed -e $'1d;2c\\\nmakelist()\n' \ -e "/in package list/s/tr -d '\\\\\\\\'/tr -d '\\\\\\\\*'/" \ -e 's,cat ${WORKDIR}/pkglist > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist,cat $TMPDIR/pkglist-pre ${WORKDIR}/pkglist | applyblacklist > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist,' \ )" # Adds the pattern given by $(1) into the internal blacklist # ${TMPDIR}/blacklist.slackpkgplus # # ($1) The pattern to add. # function internal_blacklist() { echo "$1" >> ${TMPDIR}/blacklist.slackpkgplus } # END function internal_blacklist() # Override original applyblackist() so that internal blacklist will # be applied too. # function applyblacklist() { if ! $USEBLACKLIST ;then >${TMPDIR}/blacklist fi cat > ${TMPDIR}/inblacklist grep -vE ${BLKLOPT} -f ${TMPDIR}/blacklist -f ${TMPDIR}/blacklist.slackpkgplus ${TMPDIR}/inblacklist >${TMPDIR}/outblacklist cat ${TMPDIR}/outblacklist cat $TMPDIR/greylist.* >$TMPDIR/greylist grep -qvEw -f $TMPDIR/greylist $TMPDIR/pkglist-pre >$TMPDIR/unchecklist } # END function applyblacklist() ##### ====== END BLACKLIST FUNCTIONS === ##### ##### ====== INSTALL/POSTINSTALL FUNCTIONS ====== ##### # Override cleanup() to improve log messages and debug functions # function cleanup(){ # Get the current exit-code so that we can check if cleanup is # called in response of a CTRL+C (ie. $?=130) or not. local lEcode=$? local retval=${EXIT_CODE:-0} [ ! -z "$PENDING_UPDATES" ]&&retval=$PENDING_UPDATES if ! ls -L /usr/bin/vi >/dev/null 2>&1 && [ ! -z "$LINKVI" ];then echo " An update has removed or damaged your VI symbolic link so you may be not able to use VI (vim, elvis, nvi,...) You need to manually run '/var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.vi-ex' to choose your default VI editor or create the link yourself. This may happen when you upgrade from slackware 14.2 to slackware 15.0 " >> $TMPDIR/info.log fi needs_restarting if [ "$CMD" == "info" ];then DETAILED_INFO=${DETAILED_INFO:-none} [[ "$DETAILED_INFO" != "none" ]]&&more_info fi rm -f ${TMPDIR}/waiting if [ "$CMD" == "update" ];then if [ -e $TMPDIR/pkglist.sbo ];then cat $TMPDIR/pkglist.sbo >> $WORKDIR/pkglist fi if [ "$ANSWER" != "Y" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then touch $WORKDIR/pkglist fi # When cleanup() has not been called in response of a CTRL+C, copy # the files -downloaded and generated by getfile()- from # TMPDIR/ChangeLogs into WORKDIR/ChangeLogs # if [ $lEcode -ne 130 ] && [ -e ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs ] ; then if [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/ChangeLogs ] ; then mkdir ${WORKDIR}/ChangeLogs else rm -f ${WORKDIR}/ChangeLogs/* fi cp ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/* ${WORKDIR}/ChangeLogs fi fi [ "$TTYREDIRECTION" ] && exec 1>&3 2>&4 [ "$SPINNING" = "off" ] || tput cnorm if [ "$DELALL" = "on" ] && [ "$NAMEPKG" != "" ]; then rm $CACHEPATH/$NAMEPKG &>/dev/null fi if [ $VERBOSE -gt 2 ];then echo "The temp directory $TMPDIR will NOT be removed!" >>$TMPDIR/info.log echo fi if [ -s $TMPDIR/error.log -o -s $TMPDIR/info.log -o -s $TMPDIR/fatal.log ];then echo -e "\n\n==============================================================================" fi if [ -e $TMPDIR/error.log ]; then retval=1 echo " WARNING! One or more errors occurred while slackpkg was running" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat $TMPDIR/error.log if [ -s $TMPDIR/info.log ];then echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" fi fi if [ -s $TMPDIR/info.log ]; then echo " INFO! Debug informations" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat $TMPDIR/info.log echo "==============================================================================" fi if [ -s $TMPDIR/fatal.log ]; then retval=2 echo echo "==============================================================================" echo echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" echo " Some operation has failed and need attention!!" echo cat $TMPDIR/fatal.log echo echo "==============================================================================" fi [ ! -e $WORKDIR/pkglist ]&&touch $WORKDIR/pkglist [ ! -e $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5 ]&&touch $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5 echo rm -f /var/lock/slackpkg.$$ if [ $VERBOSE -lt 3 -a -z "$DEBUG" ];then rm -rf $TMPDIR fi exit $retval } # END function cleanup() # From slackpkg (with some improving) # # Checks if a critical package were upgraded by Slackpkg. # The /var/run/needs_restarting file contains the list of upgraded # packages. # # The file only is created if /var/run filesystem type is tmpfs so # the reboot will clean it function needs_restarting() { NEED_RESTART="$( find $ROOT/var/log/packages/ -cnewer $TMPDIR/timestamp -type f \( \ -name "kernel-generic-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "kernel-huge-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "openssl-solibs-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "openssl-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "glibc-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "aaa_glibc-solibs-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "eudev-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "elogind-[0-9]*" -o \ -name "dbus-[0-9]*" \) | \ awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' )" if [ ! -z "$NEED_RESTART" ];then echo "NOTE: Some installed or upgraded package may need reboot: " >> $TMPDIR/info.log echo "$NEED_RESTART"|sed 's/^/ /' >> $TMPDIR/info.log if [ "$(stat -f -c %T /var/run/)" = "tmpfs" ]; then echo "$NEED_RESTART" >> $ROOT/var/run/needs_restarting echo "See /var/run/needs_restarting for review this list" >> $TMPDIR/info.log fi fi } # -- handle the event $1 that occured on packages $SHOWLIST # # $1 the event that occurs, which can be install, upgrade, remove # function handle_event() { local EVENT="$1" local SELKEYS="" local KEY local PATLIST local EXPR local MSG local MSGLIST="" local USERKEY find $ROOT/var/log/packages/ -type f -printf "%f\n" | sort > ${TMPDIR}/installed.tmp # -- Get the basename of packages which have been effectively # installed, upgraded, or removed if [ "$EVENT" == "remove" ] ; then echo "$SHOWLIST" | tr " " "\n" | sort > ${TMPDIR}/showlist.tmp comm -1 ${TMPDIR}/installed.tmp ${TMPDIR}/showlist.tmp | rev | cut -f4- -d"-" | rev > ${TMPDIR}/basenames.tmp else echo "$SHOWLIST" | tr " " "\n" | rev | cut -f2- -d"." | rev | sort > ${TMPDIR}/showlist.tmp comm -1 -2 ${TMPDIR}/installed.tmp ${TMPDIR}/showlist.tmp | rev | cut -f4- -d"-" | rev > ${TMPDIR}/basenames.tmp fi SELKEYS=$(echo "${!NOTIFYMSG[@]}" | tr " " "\n" | grep "^on_${EVENT}@" | tr "\n" " ") for KEY in $SELKEYS ; do PATLIST="${KEY#*@}" EXPR=$(echo -en "$PATLIST" | \ tr --squeeze-repeats "," | \ sed -e "s/,$//" -e "s/^/(&/" -e "s/,/)|(/g" -e "s/$/&)/") NV_MATCHPKGS=$(grep -E "$EXPR" ${TMPDIR}/basenames.tmp | tr "\n" "," | sed -e "s/,$//") if [ ! -z "$NV_MATCHPKGS" ] ; then MSG=$(eval "echo \"${NOTIFYMSG[$KEY]}\"") [ -z "MSGLIST" ] && MSGLIST="$MSG\n" || MSGLIST="$MSGLIST\n$MSG" fi done if [ ! -z "$MSGLIST" ] ; then if [ "$DIALOG" = "on" ] || [ "$DIALOG" = "ON" ] ; then dialog --title "post-$EVENT notifications" --backtitle "slackpkg $VERSION" --msgbox "$MSGLIST" 12 70 else MSGLIST="====[ POST-${EVENT} NOTIFICATIONS ]===================================== \n${MSGLIST}\n=======================================================================" echo -e "\n$MSGLIST" | more echo -en "Hit a key to continue or wait 10 seconds\r" read -t 10 USERKEY echo " " fi fi } # END function handle_event() # Overrides original remove_pkg(). Required by the notification mechanism. function remove_pkg() { local i for i in $SHOWLIST; do echo -e "\nPackage: $i" echo -e "\tRemoving... " removepkg $i if [ ! -e $ROOT/var/log/packages/$i ];then FDATE=$(ls -ltr --full-time $ROOT/var/log/removed_packages/$i|tail -1 |awk '{print $6" "$7}'|sed -r -e 's/\.[0-9]{9}//' -e 's,-,/,' -e 's,-,/,') echo "$FDATE removed: $i" >> $WORKDIR/install.log else echo "Remove FAILED: $i : please retry." >> $TMPDIR/fatal.log fi done handle_event "remove" } # END function remove_pkg() if [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" == "on" ];then function installpkg() { echo " Download only.. `basename $1` not installed!" DELALL=off } # END function installpkg() function upgradepkg() { echo " Download only.. `basename $1` not upgraded!" DELALL=off } # END function upgradepkg() fi # Overrides original upgrade_pkg(). Required by the notification mechanism. function upgrade_pkg() { local i if [ "$DOWNLOAD_ALL" = "on" ]; then OLDDEL="$DELALL" DELALL="off" for i in $SHOWLIST; do getpkg $i true done DELALL="$OLDDEL" fi ls -1 $ROOT/var/log/packages/ > $TMPDIR/tmplist for i in $SHOWLIST; do PKGFOUND=$(grep -m1 -e "^$(echo $i|rev|cut -f4- -d-|rev)-[^-]\+-[^-]\+-[^-]\+$" $TMPDIR/tmplist) REPOPOS=$(grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//') getpkg $i upgradepkg Upgrading $REPOPOS $PKGFOUND if [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" != "on" ];then if [ -e "$ROOT/var/log/packages/$(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//')" ];then FDATE=$(ls -l --full-time $ROOT/var/log/packages/$(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') |awk '{print $6" "$7}'|sed -r -e 's/\.[0-9]{9}//' -e 's,-,/,' -e 's,-,/,') echo "$FDATE upgraded: $i [$REPOPOS] (was $PKGFOUND)" >> $WORKDIR/install.log else echo "Upgrade FAILED: $REPOPOS:$i : please retry." >> $TMPDIR/fatal.log fi fi done [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" != "on" ]&&handle_event "upgrade" } # END function upgrade_pkg() # Overrides original install_pkg(). Required by the notification mechanism. function install_pkg() { local i if [ "$DOWNLOAD_ALL" = "on" ]; then OLDDEL="$DELALL" DELALL="off" for i in $SHOWLIST; do getpkg $i true done DELALL="$OLDDEL" fi for i in $SHOWLIST; do INSTALL_T='installed: ' if [ -e $ROOT/var/log/packages/$(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') ];then INSTALL_T='reinstalled:' fi REPOPOS=$(grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//') getpkg $i installpkg Installing $REPOPOS if [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" != "on" ];then if [ -e "$ROOT/var/log/packages/$(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//')" ];then FDATE=$(ls -l --full-time $ROOT/var/log/packages/$(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') |awk '{print $6" "$7}'|sed -r -e 's/\.[0-9]{9}//' -e 's,-,/,' -e 's,-,/,') echo "$FDATE $INSTALL_T $i [$REPOPOS]" >> $WORKDIR/install.log else echo "Install FAILED: $REPOPOS:$i : please retry." >> $TMPDIR/fatal.log fi fi done [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" != "on" ]&&handle_event "install" } # END function install_pkg() ##### ====== END INSTALL/POSTINSTALL FUNCTIONS ====== ##### ##### ====== DOWNLOADERS ====== ###### # Resolve some issue with wget2 # function wget2(){ WGET2CMD="$@" WGET2PATH=$(echo "$WGET2CMD"|sed -r "s,.*-O ([^ ]+) .*,\1,") WGET2DIR=$(echo "$WGET2PATH"|sed -r "s,/[^/]*$,,") WGET2CMD="$(echo "$WGET2CMD"|sed -r "s,$WGET2DIR/,,")" cd $WGET2DIR /usr/bin/wget2 $WGETOPTS $WGET2CMD cd - >/dev/null } # Implements an improved wget version for a verbose output # function wgetdebug(){ local SRCURL local DSTFILE SRCURL=$2 DSTFILE=$(echo $SRCURL|sed 's|/|,|g') if [ ${SRCURL:0:5} == "https" ];then WGETOPTSL="--no-check-certificate" fi if [ ${SRCURL:0:3} == "ftp" ];then WGETOPTSL="--passive-ftp" fi DOWNTIME=$(date +%s) wget $WGETOPTS $WGETOPTSL -O $TMPDIR/$DSTFILE $SRCURL 2>&1|tee $TMPDIR/$DSTFILE.log WGETERR=${PIPESTATUS[0]} cp $TMPDIR/$DSTFILE $1 echo "exit code: $WGETERR" >>$TMPDIR/$DSTFILE.log DOWNTIME=$[$(date +%s)-$DOWNTIME] if [ $WGETERR -ne 0 ];then echo >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "$SRCURL --> BAD" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "wget $WGETOPTS $WGETOPTSL -O $DSTFILE $SRCURL" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "exit code: $WGETERR" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "download time: $DOWNTIME secs" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "details:" >> $TMPDIR/error.log cat $TMPDIR/$DSTFILE.log >> $TMPDIR/error.log ls -l $DSTFILE >> $TMPDIR/error.log 2>&1 md5sum $DSTFILE >> $TMPDIR/error.log 2>&1 echo >> $TMPDIR/error.log else echo "$SRCURL --> OK" >> $TMPDIR/info.log fi return $WGETERR } # END function wgetdebug() # Implements CACHEUPDATE=on # function cached_downloader(){ local SRCURL local CACHEFILE local SRCBASE local CURREPO SRCURL=$2 SRCBASE=$(basename $SRCURL) CACHEFILE=$(echo $SRCURL|md5sum|awk '{print $1}') TOCACHE=0 case $SRCBASE in CHECKSUMS.md5|CHECKSUMS.md5.asc|CHECKSUMS.md5.gz|CHECKSUMS.md5.gz.asc) TOCACHE=1 ; CURREPO=$(basename $1|sed -r -e "s/CHECKSUMS.md5-?//" -e "s/\.asc//" -e "s/\.gz//") ;; MANIFEST.bz2|PACKAGES.TXT) TOCACHE=1 ; CURREPO=$(basename $1|sed -e "s/-$SRCBASE//" -e "s/SLACKPKGPLUS_//");; ChangeLog.txt) TOCACHE=1 ; CURREPO=$(basename $1|sed -e "s/ChangeLog//" -e "s/^-//" -e "s/\.txt//") ;; GPG-KEY) TOCACHE=0 ; CURREPO=${1/*gpgkey-tmp-/};; FILELIST.TXT) TOCACHE=1 ;; SLACKBUILDS.TXT.gz) TOCACHE=1 ; CURREPO=SBo ;; slackbuilds-current-*.tar.gz) TOCACHE=0 ; CURREPO=SBo-cur ;; esac if [ -z "$CURREPO" ]; then CURREPO=slackware fi [ $SRCBASE != "ChangeLog.txt" ]||[ -z "$LEVEL" -o "$LEVEL" == "1" ]&&printf " File: %-20s -> %-20s .." "$CURREPO" "$SRCBASE" [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ]&&echo -n " ($CACHEFILE) " if [ $TOCACHE -eq 1 ];then curl --max-time 10 --location --head $SRCURL 2>/dev/null|tac|sed '/^HTTP/q'|tac|grep -v -i -e ^Date: -e ^Set-Cookie: -e ^Expires: -e ^X-Varnish:|sed $'s/\r//' > $TMPDIR/cache.head echo "Url: $SRCURL" >> $TMPDIR/cache.head [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ]&&(echo;cat $TMPDIR/cache.head|sed 's/^/ /') if grep -q "^HTTP/.* 404" $TMPDIR/cache.head;then if [ $SRCBASE == "ChangeLog.txt" ]&&[ $LEVEL -lt $LIMIT ];then echo -n else echo " Not Found." fi return 8 # wget return 8 if server return error so we return 8 fi if [ -e $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE -a -e $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE.head ];then [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ]&&(echo;cat $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE.head|sed 's/^/ /') if diff $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE.head $TMPDIR/cache.head >/dev/null;then [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ]&&echo "Cache valid! If not please remove manually $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE !" echo " Cached." cp $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE $1 return $? fi rm -f $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE.head 2>/dev/null fi echo -n " Downloading... " [[ "$WGETOPTS $FLAG" =~ -q ]]||echo $CACHEDOWNLOADER $1 $SRCURL ERR=$? echo if [ "$(ls -l $1 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $5}')" == "$(grep -i Content-Length: $TMPDIR/cache.head|awk '{print $2}')" ];then cp $1 $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE 2>/dev/null cp $TMPDIR/cache.head $CACHEDIR/$CACHEFILE.head 2>/dev/null fi else echo " Downloading... " $CACHEDOWNLOADER $1 $SRCURL ERR=$? echo fi return $ERR } # END function cached_downloader() ##### ====== END DOWNLOADERS ====== ###### ##### ====== CORE FUNCTION ====== ###### # Extends getpkg() original function # (rename getpkg -> getpkg_old, then redefine getpkg to call it) eval "$(type getpkg | sed -e $'1d;2c\\\ngetpkg_old()\n' -e 's/Upgrading /Upgrading $5 => [$4]:/' -e 's/Installing /Installing [$4]:/' -e 's/nPackage/tPackage/g')" function getpkg(){ local c local q q=$(echo $SHOWLIST|wc -w) c=$(echo $SHOWLIST|sed 's/ /\n/g'|grep -n ^$1|cut -f1 -d:) echo -n "[$c/$q]" getpkg_old "$@" return $? } # END function getpkg() # Override the get_gpg_key to rollback slackpkg 15.0.5 gpg-key import method function get_gpg_key(){ getfile ${SOURCE}GPG-KEY $TMPDIR/gpgkey } # Override the slackpkg getfile(). # The new getfile() download all file needed from all defined repositories # then merge all in a format slackpkg-compatible function getfile(){ local URLFILE URLFILE=$1 PREPO=slackware if [ $(basename $1) = "PACKAGES.TXT" ];then PREPO=$(echo $1|awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)}') fi if echo $URLFILE|grep -q /SBO_;then local PRGNAM local DESTFILE=$2 local NAMEPKG if echo $URLFILE|grep -q "\.\.asc$";then return 0;fi PREPO=$(echo $URLFILE|sed -r 's#^.*/SBO_([^/]+)/.*$#\1#') if [ "$PREPO" == "current" ];then SBO['current']=${SBO['current']}plain/ fi NAMEPKG=$(basename $URLFILE .) PRGNAM=$(echo $NAMEPKG|sed "s#-[^-]*-sbo-$PREPO\$##") URLFILE=$(dirname $URLFILE) URLFILE=$(echo $URLFILE|sed "s#^.*/SBO_$PREPO/#${SBO[$PREPO]}#") DESTFILE=$(dirname $DESTFILE) if [ "$PREPO" == "current" ];then rm -rf ${DESTFILE} mkdir -p ${DESTFILE} ( cd ${DESTFILE} wget -r -np $WGETOPTS -nv -nH $WGETOPTS $URLFILE/ mv slackbuilds/plain/*/$PRGNAM $NAMEPKG rm -f $NAMEPKG/index.html rm -f robots.txt rm -rf slackbuilds/ echo "Downloaded in $(readlink -f ${DESTFILE})" ) else rm -rf ${DESTFILE} mkdir ${DESTFILE} wget $WGETOPTS -nv ${URLFILE}.tar.gz -O ${DESTFILE}/${PRGNAM}.tar.gz ( cd $DESTFILE tar xf ${PRGNAM}.tar.gz mv ${PRGNAM} ${NAMEPKG} rm -f ${PRGNAM}.tar.gz echo "Downloaded in $(readlink -f ${DESTFILE})" ) fi return 0 fi if [ $(basename $1) = "CHECKSUMS.md5.asc" ];then if [ -e $TMPDIR/signaturedownloaded ];then echo " Done." return fi echo " Signatures" fi if [ $(basename $1) = "ChangeLog.txt" ];then echo " ChangeLogs" fi if echo $1|grep -E -q '/SLACKPKGPLUS_(file|dir|http|https|ftp)[0-9].*\.asc$';then return 0 fi if [ ${URLFILE:0:1} = "/" ];then URLFILE="file:/$URLFILE" fi if echo $URLFILE|grep -q /SLACKPKGPLUS_;then PREPO=$(echo $URLFILE|sed -r 's#^.*/SLACKPKGPLUS_([^/]+)/.*$#\1#') URLFILE=$(echo $URLFILE|sed "s#^.*/SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO/#${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]}#") fi if echo $URLFILE | grep "dir:/"|grep -q "/PACKAGES.TXT$";then touch $2 return 0 fi if echo $URLFILE | grep "dir:/"|grep -q "/MANIFEST.bz2$";then echo -n|bzip2 -c >$2 return 0 fi URLFILE=$(echo $URLFILE|sed -e 's_^dir:/_file://_') if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^file://" ; then URLFILE=${URLFILE:6} if [ -f $URLFILE ];then [[ "$FLAG" == "-q" || ! "$WGETOPTS" =~ -q ]]&&echo -e "\tLinking $URLFILE" ln -s $URLFILE $2 else return 1 fi elif echo $URLFILE|grep -q -E dir:/.*asc$;then return 0 else URLFILE=${URLFILE/dir:/:} $DOWNLOADER $2 $URLFILE fi if [ $? -ne 0 ];then if echo $2|grep -q SLACKPKGPLUS;then if [ "`basename $URLFILE`" != "MANIFEST.bz2" ];then echo -e "\n$URLFILE:\tdownload error" >> $TMPDIR/error.log if echo $2|grep -q .asc$;then echo " Retry using 'slackpkg -checkgpg=off $CMD ...'" >> $TMPDIR/error.log fi else echo echo " !!! N O T I C E !!!" echo " Repository '$PREPO' does not contains MANIFEST.bz2" echo " Don't worry... it will work fine, but the command" echo " 'slackpkg file-search' will not work on that" echo " repository" echo fi fi fi if [ $(basename $1) = "FILELIST.TXT" ];then [ ! -s $TMPDIR/FILELIST.TXT ]&&echo > $TMPDIR/FILELIST.TXT touch $TMPDIR/pkglist.sbo for SBOKEY in ${!SBO[*]};do SBOURL=${SBO[$SBOKEY]} if [ "$SBOKEY" == "current" ];then SBOURL=${SBOURL%/}/ SBOtag=$(basename $(curl --max-time 10 --location -s ${SBOURL}tags |grep tag/current- |head -1 |grep -oE '(href="[^"]+)')) SBOlast=$(cat $WORKDIR/sbolist_${SBOKEY}.tag 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$SBOtag" ] && [ "$SBOtag" != "$SBOlast" ]; then $DOWNLOADER $TMPDIR/${SBOtag}.tar.gz ${SBOURL}archive/refs/tags/${SBOtag}.tar.gz ( cd $TMPDIR tar xf $TMPDIR/*${SBOtag}.tar.gz cd slackbuilds-current*/ find . -name \*.info|while read SBOinfo;do source $SBOinfo echo $PRGNAM $VERSION $(dirname $SBOinfo) done > $WORKDIR/sbolist_${SBOKEY} echo $SBOtag > $WORKDIR/sbolist_${SBOKEY}.tag ) fi else SBOURL=${SBOURL%/}/ $DOWNLOADER $TMPDIR/SLACKBUILDS.TXT.gz ${SBOURL}SLACKBUILDS.TXT.gz zcat $TMPDIR/SLACKBUILDS.TXT.gz |awk '{ if($2=="NAME:") name=$3 if($2=="LOCATION:") location=$3 if($2=="VERSION:") version=$3 if($1=="") print name,version,location }' > $WORKDIR/sbolist_${SBOKEY} fi cat $WORKDIR/sbolist_${SBOKEY}|awk '{print "SBO_'$SBOKEY' "$1" "$2" sbo '$SBOKEY' "$1"-"$2"-sbo-'$SBOKEY' "$3}'|sed "s,\./,./SBO_$SBOKEY/," >> $TMPDIR/pkglist.sbo done fi if [ $(basename $1) = "MANIFEST.bz2" ];then rm -f $WORKDIR/*-filelist.gz 2>/dev/null if [ ! -s $2 ];then echo -n|bzip2 -c >$2 fi fi if [ $(basename $1) = "PACKAGES.TXT" ];then [ ! -s $2 ]&&echo > $2 sed -i -e "1i===== START REPO: $PREPO : URL:$URLFILE =====" -e "\$a===== END REPO: $PREPO =====" $2 fi if [ $(basename $1) = "CHECKSUMS.md5.asc" -a ! -e $TMPDIR/signaturedownloaded ];then if ! grep -q PGP ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc 2>/dev/null;then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Official Slackware Repository FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5.asc download" |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " The repository may be invalid and the process will be ABORTED." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " Please check your mirror and try again." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo >&2 echo "invalid" > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc fi mv ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackware.asc cp ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackware.asc ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc echo "slackpkgplus repositories" >>${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do URLFILE=${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}CHECKSUMS.md5.asc if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "dir:/" ; then continue fi echo -n "SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO[MD5] " >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^file://" ; then URLFILE=${URLFILE:6} if [ -f $URLFILE ];then [[ "$FLAG" == "-q" || ! "$WGETOPTS" =~ -q ]]&&echo -e "\tLinking $URLFILE" ln -s $URLFILE ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.asc md5sum ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.asc|awk '{print $1}' >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc else echo -e "\tNot found $URLFILE" echo "invalid" >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc false fi continue fi $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.asc $URLFILE if [ $? -eq 0 ];then md5sum ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.asc|awk '{print $1}' >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc continue fi $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz.asc `echo $URLFILE|sed 's/\.asc$/.gz.asc/'` if [ $? -eq 0 ];then md5sum ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz.asc|awk '{print $1}' >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc continue fi $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz `echo $URLFILE|sed 's/\.asc$/.gz/'` if [ $? -eq 0 ];then md5sum ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz|awk '{print $1}' >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc continue fi $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO `echo $URLFILE|sed 's/\.asc$//'` if [ $? -eq 0 ];then md5sum ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO|awk '{print $1}' >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc continue fi echo "invalid" >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc done touch $TMPDIR/signaturedownloaded fi if [ $(basename $1) = "ChangeLog.txt" ];then # ChangeLog.txt from slackware and 3rd party repository are stored # into TMPDIR/ChangeLogs directory. This directory is automatically # moved into WORKDIR by function cleanup() unless when this function # is called in response to a CTRL+C # # see http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/slackpkg-vs-third-party-package-repository-4175427364/page35.html#post5537830 if ! grep -q "[a-z]" ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLog.txt 2>/dev/null;then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Official Slackware Repository FAILS the ChangeLog.txt download" |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " The repository may be invalid and the process will be ABORTED." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " Please check your mirror and try again." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo >&2 echo "invalid" > ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLog.txt fi mkdir ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs # Copy slackware ChangeLog.txt into directory dedicated to changelogs... cat ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLog.txt > ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/slackware.txt for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]}; do BASEDIR=${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]%} CLOGNAM=$PREPO.txt if echo $BASEDIR | grep -q "dir:/" ; then # dir:/ repositories are ignored by slackpkg update # but the ChangeLog must exists touch ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/$CLOGNAM continue fi LIMIT=1 if [ "$SEARCH_CLOG_INPARENT" == "on" ] ; then BDNAMES=( $(echo $BASEDIR | tr "/" " ") ) LIMIT=$(( ${#BDNAMES[@]} - 1 )) fi LEVEL=1 while [ ! -s ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM ] && [ $LEVEL -le $LIMIT ] ; do URLFILE=${BASEDIR%/}/ChangeLog.txt if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^file://" ; then URLFILE=${URLFILE:6} if [ -e $URLFILE ];then [[ "$FLAG" == "-q" || ! "$WGETOPTS" =~ -q ]]&&echo -e "\tLinking $URLFILE" ln -s $URLFILE ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM fi else if [ $VERBOSE -gt 2 ];then $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM $URLFILE else $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM $URLFILE 2>/dev/null fi fi ((LEVEL++)) BASEDIR=$(echo ${BASEDIR%/} |rev|cut -f2- -d/ |rev) done if [ -s ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM ] ; then cat ${TMPDIR}/$CLOGNAM >> ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/$CLOGNAM else touch ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/$CLOGNAM fi done # For each .txt file in TMPDIR/ChangeLogs, create a corresponding # .idx which is used by showChangeLogInfo() # # The output file is formatted as below : # :: # # is the line index of the entry in original changelog .txt # is the full pathname of the package (ie. a/cryptsetup-1.7.1-x86_64-1.txz) # is the package status, which can be added,moved,rebuilt,removed,upgraded) # for PREPO in slackware ${REPOPLUS[*]} ; do grep -inE "$CLOG_PKGREGEX" ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/$PREPO.txt > ${TMPDIR}/ChangeLogs/$PREPO.idx done fi if [ $(basename $1) = "CHECKSUMS.md5" ];then if ! grep -q "[a-z]" ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 2>/dev/null;then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Official Slackware Repository FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download" |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " The repository may be invalid and the process will be ABORTED." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo " Please check your mirror and try again." |tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log >&2 echo >&2 echo "invalid" > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 fi for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do URLFILE=${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}CHECKSUMS.md5 if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^file://" ; then URLFILE=${URLFILE:6} if [ -f $URLFILE ];then [[ "$FLAG" == "-q" || ! "$WGETOPTS" =~ -q ]]&&echo -e "\tLinking $URLFILE" ln -s $URLFILE ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO else echo -e "\tNot found $URLFILE" false fi elif echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^dir:/" ; then touch ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO continue elif echo $URLFILE | grep -q -e "^httpdir://" -e "^httpsdir://" -e "^ftpdir://" ; then if [ "$CACHEUPDATE" == "on" ];then printf " File: %-20s -> %-20s .. Downloading...\n" "$PREPO" "CHECKSUMS.md5" lftp $(echo ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}|sed 's/dir//') -e "ls;quit" 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $NF}'|grep -E '^.*-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^\.]+\.t.z$'|sort -rn| \ awk '{print "00000000000000000000000000000000 ./"$NF}' > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO else lftp $(echo ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}|sed 's/dir//') -e "ls;quit" |awk '{print $NF}'|grep -E '^.*-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^\.]+\.t.z$'|sort -rn| \ awk '{print "00000000000000000000000000000000 ./"$NF}' > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO fi else if [ -e ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz.asc ];then $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}CHECKSUMS.md5.gz zcat ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz >${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO else $DOWNLOADER ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}CHECKSUMS.md5 fi fi if [ ! -s ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO ];then echo echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" echo " Repository '$PREPO' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download" echo " The repository may be invalid and will be SKIPPED." echo sleep 5 echo -e "$PREPO: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo " ( ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}CHECKSUMS.md5 )" >> $TMPDIR/error.log PRIORITY=( $(echo ${PRIORITY[*]}" "|sed "s/SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO / /") ) REPOPLUS=( $(echo " "${REPOPLUS[*]}" "|sed "s/ $PREPO / /") ) fi done if [ "$TAG_PRIORITY" == "on" ];then for PREPO in ${PRIORITY[*]};do grep " \./$PREPO/" ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-merged done else cp ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-merged fi X86_64=$(ls $ROOT/var/log/packages/aaa_base*x86_64* 2>/dev/null|head -1) for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do if [ -z "$X86_64" ];then FILTEREXCLUDE="-(x86_64|arm)-" elif [ "$ALLOW32BIT" == "on" ];then FILTEREXCLUDE="-(arm)-" else FILTEREXCLUDE="-(x86|i[3456]86|arm)-" fi grep -E -e ^[a-f0-9]{32} ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO|grep -E -v -- "$FILTEREXCLUDE" |sed -r -e "s# \./# ./SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO/#" >> ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-merged done if [ "$CHECKGPG" != "on" ];then mv ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-merged ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 fi fi if [ $(basename $1) = "GPG-KEY" ];then mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/gpg rm -f ${WORKDIR}/gpg/* 2>/dev/null $GPG --quiet $2 if $GPG --quiet $2|grep -q "$SLACKKEY" || [ "$STRICTGPG" == "off" ];then for PREPO in $(echo ${PRIORITY[*]}|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_[^ ]*//g');do $GPG --output "${WORKDIR}/gpg/GPG-KEY-${PREPO}.gpg" --dearmor $2 done else echo echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" echo " Slackware repository does NOT contain the Official GPG-KEY" echo " You SHOULD disable GPG Strict check 'STRICTGPG=off'" echo " in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf" echo sleep 5 echo "Fatal: Slackware repository does not contains the official gpg-key!!" >>$TMPDIR/error.log $GPG --quiet $2 >>$TMPDIR/error.log 2>&1 fi for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do if [ "${PREPO:0:4}" = "dir:" ];then continue fi URLFILE=${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}GPG-KEY if echo $URLFILE | grep -q "^file://" ; then URLFILE=${URLFILE:6} if [ -f $URLFILE ];then [[ "$FLAG" == "-q" || ! "$WGETOPTS" =~ -q ]]&&echo -e "\tLinking $URLFILE" ln -s $URLFILE $2-tmp-$PREPO else echo -e "\tNot found $URLFILE" false fi elif echo $URLFILE |grep -q "dir:/";then continue else echo $DOWNLOADER $2-tmp-$PREPO ${MIRRORPLUS[${PREPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_}]}GPG-KEY fi if [ $? -eq 0 ];then $GPG --quiet $2-tmp-$PREPO $GPG --import $2-tmp-$PREPO $GPG --output "${WORKDIR}/gpg/GPG-KEY-${PREPO}.gpg" --dearmor $2-tmp-$PREPO else echo echo " !!! W A R N I N G !!!" echo " Repository '$PREPO' does NOT contain the GPG-KEY" echo " You SHOULD disable GPG check by setting 'CHECKGPG=off'" echo " in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf or use slackpkg with" echo " '-checkgpg=off' : 'slackpkg -checkgpg=off install packge'" echo sleep 3 fi rm $2-tmp-$PREPO echo done fi } # END function getfile() # override slackpkg checkgpg() # new checkgpg() is used to check gpg and to merge the CHECKSUMS.md5 files function checkgpg() { local FILENAME local REPO local PREPO if echo $1|grep -E -q -e "/SLACKPKGPLUS_(file|dir|http|ftp|https)[0-9]" -e "/SBO_";then echo 1 return fi if [ "$(basename $1)" == "CHECKSUMS.md5" ];then for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do if [ -e ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO ];then if [ "$(checkgpg ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO)" == "0" ];then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Repository '$PREPO' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5.gz signature check" >&2 echo " The file may be corrupted or the gpg key may be not valid." >&2 echo " Remember to import keys by launching 'slackpkg update gpg'." >&2 echo >&2 sleep 5 echo "Repository '$PREPO' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 signature check." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "Try to run 'slackpkg update gpg' or disable the gpg check" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo 0 return fi fi if [ -e ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz ];then if [ "$(checkgpg ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-$PREPO.gz)" == "0" ];then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Repository '$PREPO' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 signature check" >&2 echo " The file may be corrupted or the gpg key may be not valid." >&2 echo " Remember to import keys by launching 'slackpkg update gpg'." >&2 echo >&2 sleep 5 echo "Repository '$PREPO' FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5.gz signature check." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "Try to run 'slackpkg update gpg' or disable the gpg check" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo 0 return fi fi done fi if [ -e "${1}.asc" ];then FILENAME=$(basename ${1}) if [ "$FILENAME" == "CHECKSUMS.md5" ];then REPO=slackware [ -e "${WORKDIR}/gpg/GPG-KEY-slackware64.gpg" ]&&REPO=slackware64 elif [ ${FILENAME:0:13} == "CHECKSUMS.md5" ];then REPO=$(echo $FILENAME|cut -f2- -d-|sed 's/\.gz$//') else REPO=$(echo $1|sed -e "s,^/*$TEMP,/," -e "s,/\./,/,g" -e "s,//,/,g" -e "s,^/,," -e "s,/.*$,," -e "s,SLACKPKGPLUS_,,") fi # If gpg1 (default) fails with --verify, disable repo GPG check. if $GPG --list-packets ${1}.asc | grep -q "unknown algorithm" && [ "$GPG" == gpg1 ]; then echo >&2 echo " !!! F A T A L !!!" >&2 echo " Repository '$PREPO' packages are signed with a GPG key" >&2 echo " which was created using an algorithm incompatible with '$GPG'." >&2 echo " Ask the repository maintainer to create a compatible GPG key'." >&2 echo >&2 sleep 5 echo "Repository '$PREPO' signed with an incompatible GPG key." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "Solve this by disabling the gpg check" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo 0 return fi if [ "$STRICTGPG" != "off" ] && ! echo ${MIRRORPLUS[$REPO]}|grep -q ^dir:/;then if [ ! -z "$REPO" ] && [ -e "${WORKDIR}/gpg/GPG-KEY-${REPO}.gpg" ] ; then $GPG --no-default-keyring \ --keyring ${WORKDIR}/gpg/GPG-KEY-${REPO}.gpg \ --verify ${1}.asc ${1} 2>/dev/null && echo "1" || echo "0" else echo "No matching GPG-KEY for repository '$REPO' checking $FILENAME" >&2 echo "Try to run 'slackpkg update gpg' or disable gpg check" >&2 echo "No matching GPG-KEY for repository '$REPO' checking $FILENAME" >>$TMPDIR/error.log echo "Try to run 'slackpkg update gpg' or disable gpg check" >>$TMPDIR/error.log echo 0 fi else $GPG --verify ${1}.asc ${1} 2>/dev/null && echo "1" || echo "0" fi else # $1.asc not downloaded echo 1 fi if [ "$(basename $1)" == "CHECKSUMS.md5" ];then mv ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5-merged ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5 fi } # END function checkgpg() # override slackpkg checkmd5() # Verify if the package was corrupted by checking md5sum function checkmd5() { local MD5ORIGINAL local MD5DOWNLOAD local PREPO local ARG if echo $1|grep -E -q -e "/SLACKPKGPLUS_(file|dir|http|ftp|https)[0-9]" -e "/SBO_";then echo 1 return fi ARG=$(echo $1|sed "s|^/*$TEMP/||") PREPO=$(echo $ARG | cut -f2 -d/|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//' ) if echo ${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]}|grep -q dir:/;then echo 1 return fi MD5ORIGINAL=$( grep -m1 "$ARG$" ${CHECKSUMSFILE} | cut -f1 -d \ ) MD5DOWNLOAD=$(md5sum ${1} | cut -f1 -d \ ) if [ "$MD5ORIGINAL" = "$MD5DOWNLOAD" ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } # END function checkmd5() #### ====== END CORE FUNCTIONS ======= #### #### ===== PRIORITY AND SEARCH FUNCTIONS ===== ##### # Found packages in repository. # This function selects the package from the higher priority # repository directories. # # This Modified version supports enhanced priority rule (priority # given to package(s) from a given repository). This kind of priority # uses the following syntax : # # repository_name:pattern # function givepriority() { local DIR local ORIARGUMENT=$ARGUMENT local ARGUMENT=$1 local PKGDATA local CPRIORITY local DIR local PKG unset NAME unset FULLNAME unset PKGDATA unset LINEIDX unset PKGINFOS [[ "${ORIARGUMENT}" =~ ,\*?$ ]]&&[[ "${ARGUMENT}" != "${ORIARGUMENT%,*}" ]]&&return ARGUMENT="${ARGUMENT%,*}" if [ -z "$TOPROCESS" ];then case "$CMD" in upgrade-all) TOPROCESS=$(comm -1 -2 ${TMPDIR}/lpkg ${TMPDIR}/dpkg | comm -1 -2 - ${TMPDIR}/spkg|wc -l);; install-new) TOPROCESS=$[$(awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/install-new.awk ${WORKDIR}/ChangeLog.txt|sort -u|wc -l)+7];; install|upgrade|reinstall|download) TOPROCESS=0 for TMPARGUMENT in $(echo $INPUTLIST); do TOPROCESS=$[$TOPROCESS+$(grep -w -- "${TMPARGUMENT}" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist | cut -f2 -d\ | sort -u|wc -l)] done ;; esac fi if [ -z "$TOPROCESS" ];then let INPROGRESS++ printf "%4s\b\b\b\b" "$INPROGRESS" else let INPROGRESS++ printf "%3s%%\b\b\b\b" "$[$INPROGRESS*100/$TOPROCESS]" fi AUTOP=no if [[ "$CMD" == "upgrade" || "$CMD" == "upgrade-all" ]];then ( ( cd $ROOT/ ; ls -1 ./var/log/packages/$ARGUMENT-*-*-* 2>/dev/null ) | awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk|grep -q " $ARGUMENT " )||return if [ ! -z "$AUTOPRIORITY" ];then if echo "$ARGUMENT"|grep -wq $AUTOPRIORITY;then AUTOP=$TAG_PRIORITY fi fi if [ "$CMD" == "upgrade-all" ];then AUTOP=$TAG_PRIORITY fi fi if [[ "$CMD" == "reinstall" ]];then PKGINFOS=$( grep " $ARGUMENT " $TMPDIR/tmplist|awk '{print " "$6" "}'|grep -f - -n ${TMPDIR}/pkglist|grep -f ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters -E -m 1 ) fi if [ "$AUTOP" == "on" ] ; then PKGINFOS=$( ( cd $ROOT/ ; ls -1 ./var/log/packages/$ARGUMENT-*-*-* 2>/dev/null ) | awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk| grep " $ARGUMENT "|awk '{print $2,$5}'| ( read X && ( echo "$X"|sed -r -e 's/ [0-9]+([^0-9].*)*$/ [^ ]\\+ [^ ]\\+ [0-9]\\+\1 /' -e 's/^/ /' echo "$X"|sed -r -e 's/ [0-9]+([^0-9].*)*$/ [^ ]\\+ [^ ]\\+ [0-9]\\+\1_slack[0-9]/' -e 's/^/ /' ) )| grep -f - -n -m 1 ${TMPDIR}/pkglist ) fi if [ ! -z "$PKGINFOS" ] ; then LINEIDX=${PKGINFOS/:*/} PKGDATA=( ${PKGINFOS/*:/} ) if [ ${PRIORITYIDX} -ne ${LINEIDX} ];then mv ${TMPDIR}/pkglist ${TMPDIR}/pkglist.old sed --expression "${LINEIDX}d" --expression "${PRIORITYIDX}i${PKGDATA[*]}" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist.old > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist fi (( PRIORITYIDX++ )) if [ "$PKGDATA" ]; then NAME=${PKGDATA[1]} FULLNAME=$(echo "${PKGDATA[5]}.${PKGDATA[7]}") fi fi for CPRIORITY in ${PRIORITY[@]} ; do [ "$PKGDATA" ] && break DIR=${CPRIORITY/:*/} [[ "$CPRIORITY" =~ .*:.* ]] && PAT=${CPRIORITY/*:/} || PAT="" PAT=${PAT/.t?z/} REPOSITORY=${DIR/SLACKPKGPLUS_/} # pass to the next iteration when there are priority filters and the # current repository is not accepted by the defined filter rules ... if [ -s ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters ] \ && ! grep -q -E "^([.][*]|${REPOSITORY}) " ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters ; then continue fi if [[ "$CPRIORITY" =~ ^[-_[:alnum:]]+[:] ]] ; then # [Reminder] ARGUMENT is always a basename, but PAT can be : # 1. a basename (ie. gcc, glibc-solibs) # 2. a regular expression (ie. .*) # 3. a (in)complete package name (ie. vlc-2, vlc-2.0.6, 1.0.3) # PKGDATA="" LINEIDX="" PKGINFOS=$(grep -n "^${DIR} " ${TMPDIR}/pkglist | grep 2>/dev/null -w "${PAT}" | grep -m 1 "^[[:digit:]]\+:${DIR} ${ARGUMENT} ") if [ ! -z "$PKGINFOS" ] ; then LINEIDX=${PKGINFOS/:*/} PKGDATA=( ${PKGINFOS/*:/} ) fi elif [[ "$CPRIORITY" =~ ^[.][*][:] ]] ; then PKGDATA="" LINEIDX="" PKGINFOS=$(grep 2>/dev/null -n -w "${PAT}" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist | grep -m 1 " ${ARGUMENT} ") if [ ! -z "$PKGINFOS" ] ; then LINEIDX=${PKGINFOS/:*/} PKGDATA=( ${PKGINFOS/*:/} ) fi else # $CPRIORITY is of kind "repository" (ie. slackware, extra, patches,...) REPOSITORY="${CPRIORITY}" PKGDATA=( $(grep -n -m 1 "^${REPOSITORY} ${ARGUMENT} " ${TMPDIR}/pkglist) ) fi if [ "$PKGDATA" ]; then NAME=${PKGDATA[1]} FULLNAME=$(echo "${PKGDATA[5]}.${PKGDATA[7]}") if [ -s ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters ] ; then # there are priority filters set. Ensure the current selected # package is accepted by the defined filter rules. Otherwise, # reset PKGDATA and LINEIDX # # extract patterns from prioriy.filters whose 1st FIELD match ${REPOSITORY}, # and, if there are filter of type .*:P, add their patterns too ... grep "^${REPOSITORY} " ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters | cut -f2 -d" " > ${TMPDIR}/filter.patterns grep "^[.][*] " ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters | cut -f2 -d" " >> ${TMPDIR}/filter.patterns # The selected package is rejected when (1) no filter patterns were found, or (2) # none of the filter patterns matches the package's data # if [ ! -s ${TMPDIR}/filter.patterns ] \ || \ ! echo "${PKGDATA[*]}" | grep -q -f ${TMPDIR}/filter.patterns ; then PKGDATA="" LINEIDX="" NAME="" FULLNAME="" fi fi # When "install-new" is used, there can be same named packages included # in the list from other repositories, only slackware64 and patches should # be used for "install-new" This happens if packages are Addded, then # later Deleted in ChangeLog.txt. if [[ $CMD == install-new ]]; then if [[ ${PKGDATA[0]#*:} != slackware64 ]] && [[ ${PKGDATA[0]#*:} != patches ]]; then NAME="" FULLNAME="" fi fi fi if [ ! -z "$LINEIDX" ] ; then # CPRIORITY is of kind reponame:pattern or .*:pattern. The selected package is at line #LINEIDX. To # ensure that slackpkg (ie. core code) will install|upgrade this (exact) package, the # line which describes it (ie. in TMPDIR/pkglist) must be moved at line #PRIORITYIDX. # # Without this move, slackpkg could install|upgrade the wrong package. For instance, # if there are 2 repositories R1 and R2 which have two differents version of the # same package (ie. built with different options) but which have the same name P, if # R1:P is before R2:P in pkglist, and the user issue install|upgrade R2:P, slackpkg # will install R1:P instead. # if [ ${PRIORITYIDX} -ne ${LINEIDX} ];then mv ${TMPDIR}/pkglist ${TMPDIR}/pkglist.old sed --expression "${LINEIDX}d" --expression "${PRIORITYIDX}i${PKGDATA[*]}" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist.old > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist fi (( PRIORITYIDX++ )) fi done } # END function givepriority() # Improved 'slackpkg search'/'slackpkg file-search' # function searchPackages() { local i local GREPOPTS="" SEARCHSTR=$@ printf "%s\n" $ROOT/var/log/packages/* | awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk > ${TMPDIR}/tmplist sed -i 's/^^/:/' $TMPDIR/blacklist cat ${WORKDIR}/pkglist | applyblacklist > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist touch ${TMPDIR}/waiting echo -n "Looking for $PATTERN in package list. Please wait... "|tr -d '\\*' [ "$SPINNING" = "off" ] || spinning ${TMPDIR}/waiting & [ "$SENSITIVE_SEARCH" = "off" ] && GREPOPTS="--ignore-case" # -- PKGLIST: # temporary file used to store data about handled packages. It uses # the following format: # repo::bname::ver::fname:: # PKGLIST=$(tempfile --directory=$TMPDIR) PKGINFOS=$(tempfile --directory=$TMPDIR) PRITOPROCESS=${#PRIORITY[@]} PRIINPROGRESS=0 for i in ${PRIORITY[@]}; do PRIPERCBASE=$[$PRIINPROGRESS*10000/$PRITOPROCESS] DIR="$i" PAT="" if [[ "$DIR" =~ ^[-_[:alnum:]]+[:] ]] ; then # was if echo "$DIR" | grep -q "[a-zA-Z0-9]\+[:]" ; then DIR=${i/:*/} # was DIR=$(echo "$i" | cut -f1 -d":") # extract the pattern from $i, if and only if "$i" is to the syntax :. Without # this, PAT would be set to $DIR when $i is to the syntax . # [[ "$i" =~ [:][[:alnum:]]+ ]] && PAT=${i/*:/} # when the current priority is of kind :, the loop must be short-circuited # when SEARCHSTR does not match PATTERN, otherwise, some packages could be mistakenly # selected. # # Example: # - p7zip is present in alien and boost # - alien has precedence over boost # - PKGS_PRIORITY=(boost:infozip) # - p7zip from alien is installed. # # In these case, the priority boost:infozip must be ignored otherwise slackpkg+ will # wrongly shows boost:p7zip as an upgrade for alien:p7zip # [ ! -z "$PAT" ] && ! echo "$SEARCHSTR" | grep -qw "$PAT" && continue fi if [ "$CMD" == "file-search" ] ; then [ ! -e "${WORKDIR}/${DIR}-filelist.gz" ] && continue [ ! "$WW_FILE_SEARCH" = "off" ] && GREPOPTS="$GREPOPTS --word-regexp" # NOTE: # The awk below produces an output formatted like # in file TMPDIR/pkglist, but without true values # for the fields: version(3) arch(4) build(5), path(7), # extension(8) # zgrep -E ${GREPOPTS} "${SEARCHSTR}" ${WORKDIR}/${DIR}-filelist.gz | \ cut -d" " -f 1 | rev | cut -f2- -d"." | cut -f1 -d"/" | rev |\ awk '{ l_pname=$0 l_count=split($0,l_parts,"-"); l_basename=l_parts[1]; for (i=2;i<=l_count-3;i++) { l_basename=l_basename"-"l_parts[i]; } print l_dir" "l_basename" ------- ---- ----- "l_pname" ---- ---------" }' l_dir=${DIR} > $PKGINFOS else # -- CMD==search if [[ "${SEARCHSTR}" =~ ,\*?$ ]];then grep -h ${GREPOPTS} "^$DIR" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|grep -E ${GREPOPTS} "^[^ ]* ${SEARCHSTR%,*} " > $PKGINFOS else grep -h ${GREPOPTS} "^$DIR" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|grep -E ${GREPOPTS} "/SLACKPKGPLUS_$SEARCHSTR/|/$SEARCHSTR/|/$SEARCHSTR | [^ /]*$SEARCHSTR[^ /]* " > $PKGINFOS fi fi PKGTOPROCESS=$(cat $PKGINFOS|wc -l) PKGINPROGRES=0 while read PKGDIR PKGBASENAME PKGVER PKGARCH PKGBUILD PKGFULLNAME PKGPATH PKGEXT ; do let PKGINPROGRES++ printf "%3s%%\b\b\b\b" "$[$[$PRIPERCBASE+$PKGINPROGRES*10000/$PKGTOPROCESS/$PRITOPROCESS]/100]" # does nothing when the package has been handled ... grep ${GREPOPTS} -q "^repo:${PKGDIR}:bname:${PKGBASENAME}:ver:${PKGVER}:fname:${PKGFULLNAME}:" $PKGLIST && continue # When a package P' with the same basename has been handled before the current package, this means # the package P' has precedence over P. if grep ${GREPOPTS} -q ":bname:${PKGBASENAME}:" $PKGLIST ; then # P' has precedence over P. Therefore, P must be displayed with masked # attribute, unless when installed, in which case P' will be proposed # as an upgrade to P. MASKED=true if grep ${GREPOPTS} -q " $PKGFULLNAME " ${TMPDIR}/tmplist ; then COUNT=$(grep ":$PKGFULLNAME:" $PKGLIST | wc -l) # P is installed. It should not be masked. However, when different # repositories offer the same package (ie. same name,version,arch, # build) this rule must be applied only when there's *no occurence* # of fullname(P) in PKGLIST (ie. list of handled packages). # [ $COUNT -eq 0 ] && MASKED=false fi if [ $MASKED = true ] ; then LIST="$LIST MASKED_${PKGDIR}:${PKGFULLNAME}" fi else LIST="$LIST ${PKGDIR}:${PKGFULLNAME}" fi echo "repo:${PKGDIR}:bname:${PKGBASENAME}:ver:${PKGVER}:fname:${PKGFULLNAME}:" >> $PKGLIST done < $PKGINFOS let PRIINPROGRESS++ done rm ${TMPDIR}/waiting rm -f $PKGLIST $PKGINFOS LIST=$( printf "%s\n" $LIST | applyblacklist | sort | uniq ) echo -e "DONE\n" } # END function searchPackages() #### ===== PRIORITY AND SEARCH FUNCTIONS ===== ##### #### ===== SHOWLIST FUNCTIONS ====== ###### # generate output for 'slackpkg search'/'slackpkg file-search' # function searchlistEX() { local i local BASENAME local RAWNAME local STATUS local INSTPKG local REPO local PNAME { [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "off" ] && echo "[ Status#] [ Repository#] [ Package# ]" INSTPKGS="$(ls -f $ROOT/var/log/packages/)" c=0 q=$(echo ${1}|wc -w) echo -n "Preparing list " >&2 for i in $1; do let c++ printf "%11s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" "[$c/$q]" >&2 REPO=${i/:*/} #$(echo "$i" | cut -f1 -d":") PNAME=${i/*:/} #PNAME=$(echo "$i" | cut -f2- -d":") REPO=${REPO/SLACKPKGPLUS_/} #REPO=$(echo "$REPO" | cut -f2- -d"_") # BASENAME is base package name BASENAME=${PNAME%-*-*-*} #BASENAME="$(cutpkg ${PNAME})" # RAWNAME is Latest available version RAWNAME="${PNAME/%.t[blxg]z/}" # Default is uninstalled STATUS="uninstalled" if [[ $REPO =~ ^MASKED_.* ]] ; then REPO=${REPO/MASKED_/} STATUS="uninstalled(masked)" INSTPKG="" else # First is the package already installed? # Amazing what a little sleep will do # exclusion is so much nicer :) INSTPKG=$(echo "$INSTPKGS"|grep "^${BASENAME}-[^-]\+-[^-]\+-[^-]\+$") fi # INSTPKG is local version if [ ! "${INSTPKG}" = "" ]; then # INSTPKG can contains more than one package. But only those # that match the basename ${BASENAME} must be handled for CINSTPKG in ${INSTPKG} ; do CBASENAME=${CINSTPKG%-*-*-*} if [ "${CBASENAME}" == "${BASENAME}" ] ; then # If installed is it uptodate? if [ "${CINSTPKG}" = "${RAWNAME}" ]; then if [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "off" ];then echo " installed# $REPO# $CINSTPKG" elif [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "tiny" ];then echo -e "[${c_inst}I${c_off}]#$REPO#:#$CINSTPKG" else echo -e "[${c_inst}inst${c_off}]#$REPO#:#$CINSTPKG" fi else INSTPKG_REPO=$(grep -m 1 " $CINSTPKG " ${WORKDIR}/pkglist | cut -f1 -d" " | sed "s/SLACKPKGPLUS_//") if [ ! -z "$INSTPKG_REPO" ] && [ "$INSTPKG_REPO" != "$REPO" ] ; then CINSTPKG="$INSTPKG_REPO:$CINSTPKG" fi if [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "off" ];then echo " upgrade# $REPO# $CINSTPKG --> ${RAWNAME}" elif [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "tiny" ];then echo -e "[${c_upgr}U${c_off}]#$REPO#:#$CINSTPKG --> ${RAWNAME}" else echo -e "[${c_upgr}upgr${c_off}]#$REPO#:#$CINSTPKG --> ${RAWNAME}" fi fi fi done else if [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "off" ];then echo " $STATUS# $REPO# ${RAWNAME}" elif [ "$TERSESEARCH" == "tiny" ];then echo -e "[$(echo $STATUS|sed -e "s/uninstalled(masked)/\\${c_mask}M\\${c_off}/" -e "s/uninstalled/\\${c_unin}-\\${c_off}/")]#$REPO#:#${RAWNAME}" else echo -e "[$(echo $STATUS|sed -e "s/uninstalled(masked)/\\${c_mask}mask\\${c_off}/" -e "s/uninstalled/\\${c_unin}unin\\${c_off}/")]#$REPO#:#${RAWNAME}" fi fi done|sort echo -en "\r" >&2 }|column -t -s '#' -o ' '|( [[ "$CMD" == "search" ]]&&grep -E -i --color -e ^ -e "${PATTERN%,*}"||cat ) } # END function searchlistEX() # Show detailed info for slackpkg info # function more_info(){ echo cat $WORKDIR/pkglist|grep -E "^[^ ]* $NAME "|while read repository name version arch tag namepkg fullpath ext;do echo "Package: $namepkg" echo "Repository: ${repository/SLACKPKGPLUS_/}" if echo $repository|grep -q SBO_;then fullpath=${fullpath/*$repository\//} if [ "$repository" == "SBO_current" ];then fullpath="plain/$fullpath/" else fullpath="$fullpath/" fi URLFILE=${SBO[${repository/SBO_}]%/}/$fullpath echo "Path: ./${fullpath}" echo "Url: ${URLFILE}" else echo "Path: ${fullpath/\/SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository/SLACKPKGPLUS_/}/}/$namepkg.$ext" URLFILE=${SOURCE}${fullpath}/${namepkg}.${ext} if echo $URLFILE|grep -q /SLACKPKGPLUS_;then PREPO=$(echo $URLFILE|sed -r 's#^.*/SLACKPKGPLUS_([^/]+)/.*$#\1#') URLFILE=$(echo $URLFILE|sed "s#^.*/SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO/#${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]}#") fi echo "Url: ${URLFILE/.\//}" if [ "$DETAILED_INFO" == "filelist" ];then FILELIST="$(zgrep ^${fullpath/\/${repository}/}/$namepkg.$ext $WORKDIR/$repository-filelist.gz 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$FILELIST" ];then echo "Filelist: no file list available" else echo "Filelist:" echo "$FILELIST"|sed "s/ /\n/g"|tail +2|sed 's/^/ /' fi fi fi echo done } # END function more_info() if [ "$DIALOG" = "on" ] || [ "$DIALOG" = "ON" ]; then # Slackpkg+ Dialog functions # Original functions from slackpkg modified by Marek Wodzinski (majek@mamy.to) # export DIALOG_CANCEL="1" export DIALOG_ERROR="126" export DIALOG_ESC="1" export DIALOG_EXTRA="3" export DIALOG_HELP="2" export DIALOG_ITEM_HELP="2" export DIALOG_OK="0" # Prints, into a dialog box, the changelog entries about the packages listed in file $1 # function showChangeLogInfo() { local Cpkg local CpkgInfos local CLogIdxFile local CLogStartIdx local Pathname local Status local Cline local Repository echo -n "" > $TMPDIR/Packages.clog for Cpkg in $(<$TMPDIR/dialog.out) ; do # get infos about the current package from *.idx files in WORKDIR/ChangeLogs, # if any. The variable CpkgInfos is a string formatted as below: # path/.idx::: # # clogidx=line index of the entry in WORKDIR/ChangeLogs/.txt that match Cpkg # CpkgInfos=( $(grep -R $Cpkg $WORKDIR/ChangeLogs/*.idx | tr ":" " ") ) if [ ! -z "$CpkgInfos" ] ; then CLogIdxFile=${CpkgInfos[0]} CLogStartIdx=${CpkgInfos[1]} Pathname=${CpkgInfos[2]} Status=$(echo ${CpkgInfos[3]} | tr --delete " .") # Get the repository name containing a changelog entry about the current # package (ie Cpkg). # Repository=$(basename $CLogIdxFile .idx) echo "$Repository::$Pathname ($Status)" >> $TMPDIR/Packages.clog # extra information on package Cpkg can be found in file # WORKDIR/ChangeLogs/${Repository}.txt starting at line # CLogStartIdx+1 and ending the line before the first line matching # the regular expression CLOG_SEPREGEX or CLOG_PKGREGEX. # # CLOG_SEPREGEX match the "standard" changelog separator entry, ie. a string # which start with a plus followed by dashes and a plus. For instance: # +----------------------+ # # CLOG_PKGREGEX match the "standard" changelog package entry, ie. a string # which starts with a package pathname followed by colon, one or more # space and the status. For instance: # n/bind-1.2.3-x86_64-1.txz: Upgraded. ((CLogStartIdx++)) tail -n "+$CLogStartIdx" $WORKDIR/ChangeLogs/${Repository}.txt | while read Cline ; do if ! echo "$Cline" | grep -qiE "($CLOG_SEPREGEX)|($CLOG_PKGREGEX)" ; then echo -e " $Cline" >> $TMPDIR/Packages.clog else break fi done echo "" >> $TMPDIR/Packages.clog fi done if [ ! -s $TMPDIR/Packages.clog ] ; then echo "Sorry, no entry in the ChangeLog.txt matching the selected packages." > $TMPDIR/Packages.clog fi dialog --title "ChangeLog" \ --backtitle "slackpkg $VERSION" $HINT \ --textbox $TMPDIR/Packages.clog 19 70 } # END function showChangeLogInfo() # Show the lists and asks if the user want to proceed with that action # Return accepted list in $SHOWLIST # function showlist() { local CLOGopt=false local EXIT=false if [ "$ONOFF" != "off" ]; then ONOFF=on fi if [ "$2" == "upgrade" ] || [ "$2" == "upgrade-all" ] || [ "$2" == "install" ] ; then CLOGopt=true fi cat $TMPDIR/greylist.* >$TMPDIR/greylist if [ "$GREYLIST" == "off" ];then >$TMPDIR/greylist fi rm -f $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp q=$(echo $1|wc -w) c=1 echo -n "Preparing list " if [ "$2" = "upgrade" ]; then ls -1 $ROOT/var/log/packages/ > $TMPDIR/tmplist for i in $1; do printf "%11s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" "[$c/$q]" let c++ TMPONOFF=$ONOFF BASENAME=$(cutpkg $i) PKGFOUND=$(grep -m1 -e "^${BASENAME}-[^-]\+-[^-]\+-[^-]\+$" $TMPDIR/tmplist) REPOPOS=$(grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//') REPOPOSFULL=$(grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//'|awk '{print $0,gensub(/([0-9]+)([^0-9]*)/,"\\1 \\2_","1",$5),$6}') PKGVER=$(echo $i|rev|cut -f3 -d-|rev) ALLFOUND=$(echo $(grep " ${BASENAME} " $TMPDIR/pkglist|sed -r -e 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//' -e 's/^([^ ]*) [^ ]* ([^ ]*) [^ ]* ([^ ]*) .*/\2-\3(\1) ,/')|sed 's/,$//') ( echo $PKGFOUND ; grep -m1 " ${BASENAME} " $TMPDIR/pkglist ) |grep -q -Ew -f $TMPDIR/greylist && TMPONOFF="off" echo "$REPOPOSFULL $i \"$REPOPOS\" $TMPONOFF \"installed: $PKGFOUND --> available: $ALLFOUND\"" >>$TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.1 done # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12- # repo package 1.0.12 i586 1 package-1.0.12-i586-1 ./path/to txz 1 _ package-1.0.12-i586-1 package-1.0.12-i586-1.txz "repo" on "installed: ... " case "$SHOWORDER" in "repository") SHOWORDER=1;; "arch") SHOWORDER=4;; "package") SHOWORDER=6;; "path") SHOWORDER=7;; "tag") SHOWORDER=10;; *) SHOWORDER=6;; esac cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.1 | awk '{print $'$SHOWORDER',$0}'|sort|cut -f13- -d" " >$TMPDIR/dialog.tmp HINT="--item-help" else # other than 'upgrade' for i in $1; do printf "%11s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" "[$c/$q]" let c++ TMPONOFF=$ONOFF REPOPOS=$(grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/SLACKPKGPLUS_//') ( echo $i;grep -m1 " $(echo $i|sed 's/\.t.z//') " $TMPDIR/pkglist ) | grep -q -Ew -f $TMPDIR/greylist && TMPONOFF="off" echo "$i \"$REPOPOS\" $TMPONOFF" >>$TMPDIR/dialog.tmp done HINT="" fi # This is needed because dialog have a limit of arguments. # This limit is around 20k characters in slackware 10.x # Empiric tests on slackware 13.0 got a limit around 139k. # If we exceed this limit, dialog got a terrible error, to # avoid that, if the number of arguments is bigger than # DIALOG_MAXARGS we remove the hints. If even without hints # we can't got less characters than DIALOG_MAXARGS we give an # error message to the user ask him to not use dialog if [ $(wc -c $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp | cut -f1 -d\ ) -ge $DIALOG_MAXARGS ]; then mv $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp $TMPDIR/dialog2.tmp awk '{ NF=3 ; print $0 }' $TMPDIR/dialog2.tmp > $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp HINT="" fi DTITLE=$2 if [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" == "on" ];then DTITLE="$DTITLE (download only)" fi if $CLOGopt ; then # When the user "click" the button to read the changelog of # the selected pacakges, the # duplicate TMPDIR/dialog.tmp so that all items are deselected to be able to # regenerate the list of selected items when showChangeLogInfo() returns, ie. # when the user has checked the changelog. # When the user "clicks" the button "" to read the changelog of # currently selected packages, the dialog to select packages is terminated # and the changelog is printed in a textbox. # # When the user exits from the textbox, the user must retrieve the packages # selection dialog with the packages that were selected previously. To do that, # the file $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp is duplicated with all items deselected into # file $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off, so that the list of selected packages can # be regenerated using the data in file $TMPDIR/dialog.out when # showChangeLogInfos() returns. # in case of install, dialog.tmp is to the format (1), otherwise the format (2) # is used : # # format (1) # on|off # format (2) # on|off --> if [ "$2" == "install" ] ; then cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp | sed "s/ on$/ off/g" > $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off else cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp | sed "s/ on / off /g" > $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off fi fi while ! $EXIT ; do if $CLOGopt ; then dialog --extra-button \ --extra-label "ChangeLog" \ --title "$DTITLE" \ --backtitle "slackpkg $VERSION" $HINT \ --checklist "Choose packages to $2:" \ 19 70 13 \ --file $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp 2>$TMPDIR/dialog.out else dialog --title "$DTITLE" \ --backtitle "slackpkg $VERSION" $HINT \ --checklist "Choose packages to $2:" \ 19 70 13 \ --file $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp 2>$TMPDIR/dialog.out fi case $? in 0|1) EXIT=true dialog --clear ;; 3) dialog --clear if $CLOGopt ; then if [ -s $TMPDIR/dialog.out ] ; then showChangeLogInfo $TMPDIR/dialog.out # regenerate the list of selected package from the patterns # in TMPDIR/dialog.out and the file TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off PKGS_REGEX=$(cat $TMPDIR/dialog.out|sed "s/ /\\\|/g") cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off > $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp # in case of install, dialog.tmp is to the format (1), otherwise the format (2) # is used : # # format (1) # on|off # format (2) # on|off --> if [ "$2" == "install" ] ; then sed -i -e "/^$PKGS_REGEX/ s= off$= on=" $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp else sed -i -e "/^$PKGS_REGEX/ s= off = on =" $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp fi else dialog --title "ChangeLog" --msgbox "Please, select at least one package." 5 40 # all packages are deselected ... cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp.off > $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp fi else EXIT=true fi ;; -1|124|125|126|127) EXIT=true dialog --clear echo -e "DIALOG ERROR:\n-------------" >> $TMPDIR/error.log cat $TMPDIR/dialog.out >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "-------------" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "If you want to continue using slackpkg, disable the DIALOG option in" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "$CONF/slackpkg.conf and try again." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "Help us to make slackpkg a better tool - report bugs to the slackpkg" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "developers" >> $TMPDIR/error.log cleanup ;; esac done echo echo SHOWLIST=$(cat $TMPDIR/dialog.out | tr -d \") if [ -z "$SHOWLIST" ]; then echo "No packages selected for $2, exiting." cleanup fi if [ "$2" != "remove" -a "$CHECKDISKSPACE" == "on" ];then COUNTLIST=$(echo $SHOWLIST|wc -w) compressed=0 uncompressed=0 n=0 for i in $SHOWLIST;do let n++ r=$(cat $TMPDIR/dialog.tmp|grep ^$i|cut -f2 -d'"') read c u <<<$(echo $(sed -e "1,/START REPO: $r :/d" -e "1,/ $i$/d" -e '/^$/Q' -e '/[^0-9][^ ][^K]$/d' -e 's/ K$//' $WORKDIR/PACKAGES.TXT|grep compressed|sort|awk '{print $NF}')) [ "$c" ]&&let compressed+=$c [ "$u" ]&&let uncompressed+=$u echo -en "Total space required to download $n/$COUNTLIST packages: $[$compressed/1024] MB \r" done available=$(df $TEMP|grep -v ^Filesystem|tail -1|awk '{print $4}') [ $compressed -lt 1024 ]&&toprint="$compressed KB"||toprint="$[$compressed/1024] MB" echo "Total space required to download: $toprint; Available: $[$available/1024] MB" if [ $available -lt $compressed ];then echo "No sufficient space to download packages. Do you want to continue anyway? (y/N)" answer if [ "$ANSWER" != "Y" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then cleanup fi fi if [ "$2" == "install" ];then available=$(df $ROOT/usr|grep -v ^Filesystem|tail -1|awk '{print $4}') [ $uncompressed -lt 1024 ]&&toprint="$uncompressed KB"||toprint="$[$uncompressed/1024] MB" echo "Total space required to install: $toprint; Available: $[$available/1024] MB" if [ $available -lt $compressed ];then echo "No sufficient space to install packages. Do you want to continue anyway? (y/N)" answer if [ "$ANSWER" != "Y" ] && [ "$ANSWER" != "y" ]; then cleanup fi fi fi fi } # END function showlist() else # (DIALOG=off) # Supersede original showlist() from core-functions.sh # # Show the lists and asks if the user want to proceed with that action # Return accepted list in $SHOWLIST # # This version show the repository to which each package belongs. # function showlist() { local ANSWER local i local SHOWREPO=false local REPONAME if echo "$CMD" | grep -qE "install|reinstall|upgrade|upgrade-all" ; then printf "[ %-24s ] [ %-40s ]\n" "Repository" "Package" SHOWREPO=true fi for i in $1; do if $SHOWREPO ; then REPONAME=$(grep -m 1 "${i%.*}" $TMPDIR/pkglist | cut -f1 -d" " | sed "s/SLACKPKGPLUS_//") printf " %-24s %-40s \n" "$REPONAME" "$i" else echo $i; fi done | $MORECMD echo countpkg "$1" echo -e "Do you wish to $2 selected packages (Y/n)? \c" answer if [ "$ANSWER" = "N" -o "$ANSWER" = "n" ]; then cleanup else SHOWLIST="$1" fi } # END function showlist() fi # (DIALOG=on/off) #### ===== END SHOWLIST FUNCTIONS ====== ###### function debug(){ echo "DEBUG $(date +%H:%M:%S.%N) (${BASH_LINENO[*]}): $@" >&2 } # END function debug() ### =========================== MAIN ============================ ### SPINNING=off #if [ "$CMD" == "upgrade-all" ];then SPINNING=off ;fi export LC_ALL=C if [ "$DOWNLOADONLY" == "on" ];then DELALL=off DOWNLOAD_ALL=on fi if [ -z "$VERBOSE" ];then VERBOSE=1 fi if [ ! -z "$ROOT" ];then echo "! ! ! FATAL ! ! !" echo echo "slackpkg+ does not support installation via \$ROOT" echo echo "please unset it" cleanup fi if [ "$CMD" == "upgrade" -o "$CMD" == "upgrade-all" ]&&ls $ROOT/var/log/packages/*:* >/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "FATAL! There is some problem in packages database" echo " or maybe an installation or upgrade in progress:" echo echo " "$(cd $ROOT/var/log/packages/ ; ls *:*) echo echo " If you continue you may corrupt packages database." echo " Check or retry later" echo cleanup fi SPKGPLUS_VERSION="1.8.2" VERSION="$VERSION / slackpkg+ $SPKGPLUS_VERSION" if [ ${VERSION:0:4} == "2.82" ];then echo " ! ! ! WARNING ! ! ! " echo " You are using slackpkg+ $SPKGPLUS_VERSION release with Slackware 14.2" echo echo " It no longer supports Slackware 14.2 and should be used with" echo " Slackware current only." echo " Using it with Slackware 14.2 may no work properly" echo " Use slackpkg+ 1.7.0 instead" echo SLPMIR="$(cat $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf|grep -E ^MIRRORPLUS.*slackpkg)" if [ "$SLPMIR" != "MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']=https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+1.7/" ];then echo " Please replace" cat $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf|grep -E ^MIRRORPLUS.*slackpkg echo " with" echo "MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']=https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+1.7/" echo " then run 'slackpkg update && slackpkg upgrade slackpkg+' to downgrade it" echo echo echo -n "Do you want continue anyway? (Y/[N]) " read ANSW if [ "$ANSW" != "Y" ];then cleanup fi else echo " run 'slackpkg update && slackpkg upgrade slackpkg+' to downgrade it" echo sleep 5 fi fi LINKVI=$(ls -L /usr/bin/vi 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -e "$WORKDIR" ];then mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" fi if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/current ]&&[ "$MIRROR_VERSION" != "current" ];then echo "WARNING: ${WORKDIR}/current does exists and you have not selected slackware current repository. This may be you have an older version o slackpkg. You can continue anyway"|tee -a $TMPDIR/info.log echo fi if echo "${!MIRRORPLUS[@]}"|grep -wq multilib;then MULTILIB_ACTION=" # slackpkg install multilib" MULTILIB_VERSION=$(echo ${MIRRORPLUS['multilib']}|sed -r -e 's,/+$,,' -e 's,.*/,,') if [ "$MULTILIB_VERSION" != "$MIRROR_VERSION" ];then echo "WARNING: You have selected a mirror for Slackware $MIRROR_VERSION and a multilib repository for Slackware $MULTILIB_VERSION. This may damage your system. Please fix the configuration."|tee -a $TMPDIR/error.log echo sleep 5 fi fi if [ "${SLACKWARE_VERSION:0:2}" == "14" ]&&[ "$MIRROR_VERSION" == "15.0" ];then echo "WARNING: You have selected a mirror for Slackware 15.0 and you are running slackware $SLACKWARE_VERSION; if you are upgrading slackware be sure to run following steps: # slackpkg update # slackpkg install-new$MULTILIB_ACTION # slackpkg upgrade-all # slackpkg clean-system This message will disappear when the upgrade will finish"|tee -a $TMPDIR/info.log echo sleep 5 elif [ "${MIRROR_VERSION:0:2}" == "14" ];then echo "FATAL: You have selected a mirror for Slackware $MIRROR_VERSION! If this is an error please correct your slackpkg configuration. If you really wants to install Slackware $MIRROR_VERSION be sure to downgrade slackpkg+ to 1.7.0 since $SPKGPLUS_VERSION does not support Slackware $MIRROR_VERSION!"|tee -a $TMPDIR/fatal.log echo EXIT_CODE=1 cleanup elif [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/current ]&&[ -e ${WORKDIR}/currentplus ];then if [ "$SLACKWARE_VERSION" == "15.0+" ];then echo "WARNING: You have changed the mirror from Slackware current to $MIRROR_VERSION; You are running Slackware $SLACKWARE_VERSION; this means a system DOWNGRADE! Be careful! If that's not what you want please check and fix your configuration! "|tee -a $TMPDIR/error.log sleep 5 else echo "INFO: You have changed the mirror from Slackware current to $MIRROR_VERSION; You are running Slackware $SLACKWARE_VERSION; if you are upgrading slackware be sure to run following steps: # slackpkg update # slackpkg install-new$MULTILIB_ACTION # slackpkg upgrade-all # slackpkg clean-system"|tee -a $TMPDIR/info.log fi echo elif [ -e ${WORKDIR}/current ]&&[ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/currentplus ];then echo "INFO: You have changed the mirror to Slackware current; You are running Slackware $SLACKWARE_VERSION; if you are upgrading slackware be sure to run following steps: # slackpkg update # slackpkg install-new$MULTILIB_ACTION # slackpkg upgrade # slackpkg clean-system"|tee -a $TMPDIR/info.log echo sleep 5 fi [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/current ] && rm -f ${WORKDIR}/currentplus 2>/dev/null ||touch ${WORKDIR}/currentplus 2>/dev/null [ ! -s $WORKDIR/pkglist ] && rm -f $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc if ! grep -q "slackpkgplus repositories" $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc 2>/dev/null && [ "$CMD" != "update" ] && [ "$CMD" != "new-config" ] && [ "$CMD" != "help" ];then echo "=========================================================" echo "slackpkg was upgrades or slackpkg+ was temporary disabled" echo "We need to force 'slackpkg update' to re-enable slackpkg+" echo "Then you can re-run '$CMD' command " echo "=========================================================" echo echo "slackpkg forced to rebuild pkglist database" >> $TMPDIR/info.log echo "Please may try 'slackpkg $CMD $INPUTLIST' now" >> $TMPDIR/info.log CMD="update" fi if [ ! -e $WORKDIR/install.log ];then touch $WORKDIR/install.log fi if [ -e $TEMP ]&&[ -z "$PURGECACHE" ];then # clean cache from packages without gpg signature find $TEMP ! -type d|sort|tac|awk '{if($1~/\.asc$/)f[$1]++;if($1~/\.t.z$/ && !f[$1".asc"])print $1}' |xargs -r rm -f fi #if [ "$UPARG" != "gpg" ]&&[ "$CHECKGPG" = "on" ]&&[ "$STRICTGPG" = "on" ] && ! ls -l $WORKDIR/gpg/GPG-KEY-slackware*.gpg >/dev/null 2>&1;then if [ "$UPARG" != "gpg" ]&&[ "$CHECKGPG" = "on" ]&&[ "$STRICTGPG" = "on" ];then ls -l $WORKDIR/gpg/GPG-KEY-slackware*.gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 || GPGFIRSTTIME=0 for PREPO in "${!MIRRORPLUS[@]}" ; do if ! echo "${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]}"|grep -q -e "^dir:/" -e "^httpdir://" -e "^httpsdir://" -e "^ftpdir://" 2>/dev/null ; then ls -l $WORKDIR/gpg/GPG-KEY-${PREPO}.gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 || GPGFIRSTTIME=0 fi done fi # Ensure each repository url has a trailing slash... # for PREPO in "${!MIRRORPLUS[@]}" ; do MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]="${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]%/}/" done touch $TMPDIR/greylist.1 if [ -e $CONF/greylist ];then cat $CONF/greylist|sed -e 's/#.*//'|grep -v -e '^#' -e '^$'|awk '{print $1}'|sort -u >$TMPDIR/greylist.1 cat $TMPDIR/greylist.1|sed 's/^/SLACKPKGPLUS_/' >$TMPDIR/greylist.2 fi INDEX=0 PURE_PKGSPRIORITY="" for pp in ${PKGS_PRIORITY[@]} ; do repository=$(echo "$pp" | cut -f1 -d":") if [ "$pp" == "$repository" ] && grep -q "^SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}[ ]" $WORKDIR/pkglist 2>/dev/null ; then pp="$repository:.*" PKGS_PRIORITY[$INDEX]="$repository:.*" fi if ! echo "$repository" | grep -qwE "$SLACKDIR_REGEXP" ; then PURE_PKGSPRIORITY=( ${PURE_PKGSPRIORITY[*]} $pp ) fi ((INDEX++)) done REPOPLUS=( $(echo "${REPOPLUS[*]} ${PURE_PKGSPRIORITY[*]} ${!MIRRORPLUS[*]}"|sed 's/ /\n/g'|sed 's/:.*//'|awk '{if(!a[$1]++)print $1}') ) if [ ! -z "${REPOPLUS[*]}" ];then PRIORITY=( ${PRIORITY[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_$(echo ${REPOPLUS[*]}|sed 's/ / SLACKPKGPLUS_/g') ) fi # Test repositories for pp in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do echo "${MIRRORPLUS[$pp]}"|grep -q -e ^http:// -e ^https:// -e ^ftp:// -e ^file:// -e ^dir:/ -e ^httpdir:// -e ^httpsdir:// -e ^ftpdir:// if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "Repository '$pp' not configured." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "Add:" >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "MIRRORPLUS['$pp']=http://repoaddres/..." >> $TMPDIR/error.log echo "See documentation in /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details" >> $TMPDIR/error.log cleanup fi done if [ "$CMD" != "update" -a "$CMD" != "check-updates" ];then if [ $[$(date +%s)-$(date -d "$(ls -l --full-time $WORKDIR/pkglist 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')" +%s)] -gt 86400 ];then echo echo "NOTICE: pkglist is older than 24h; you are encouraged to re-run 'slackpkg update'" echo fi fi if [ "$CMD" == "update" ];then if [ $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf -nt $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc ];then BATCH=on DEFAULT_ANSWER=Y fi fi if [ "$CMD" != "update" -a "$CMD" != "check-updates" ];then if [ $CONF/slackpkgplus.conf -nt $WORKDIR/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc ];then echo echo "NOTICE: remember to re-run 'slackpkg update' after modifying slackpkgplus.conf" echo fi fi # -- merge priorities from PKGS_PRIORITY with PRIORITY, as needed ... if [ ! -z "$PKGS_PRIORITY" -a "$CMD" != "update" ] ; then PREFIX="" for pp in ${PKGS_PRIORITY[*]} ; do repository=$(echo "$pp" | cut -f1 -d":") package=$(echo "$pp" | cut -f2- -d":") if [ ! -z "$repository" ] && [ ! -z "$package" ] ; then if ! echo "$repository" | grep -qwE "$SLACKDIR_REGEXP" ; then repository="SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}" fi if [ -z "$PREFIX" ] ; then PREFIX=( ${repository}:$package ) else PREFIX=( ${PREFIX[*]} ${repository}:$package ) fi fi done [ ! -z "$PREFIX" ] && PRIORITY=( ${PREFIX[*]} ${PRIORITY[*]} ) fi # -- This flag is set when running slackpkg to manage the multilib : # # slackpkg install|upgrade|reinstall|remove # # This is used by applyblacklist() to prevent silent exclusion of # multilib package aaa_elflibs-compat32 when /etc/slackpkg/blacklist # contains the pattern aaa_elflibs. # MLREPO_SELELECTED=false # -- Ensures the internal blacklist is empty # echo -n "" > ${TMPDIR}/blacklist.slackpkgplus if [ "$CMD" != "download" ];then internal_blacklist "^SBO_" fi if [ ! -z "$DOWNLOADCMD" ];then DOWNLOADER="$DOWNLOADCMD" else if [ "$VERBOSE" = "3" ];then DOWNLOADER="wgetdebug" else FLAG="" if [ "$CMD" = "update" ];then [ $VERBOSE -lt 2 ]&&FLAG="-nv" [ $VERBOSE -lt 2 ]&&[ "$CACHEUPDATE" = "on" ]&&FLAG="-q" else [ $VERBOSE -lt 1 ]&&FLAG="-nv" fi DOWNLOADER="wget $WGETOPTS --no-check-certificate $FLAG --passive-ftp -O" fi fi if [ "$CACHEUPDATE" == "on" ]&&[ "$CMD" == "update" -o "$CMD" == "check-updates" ];then CACHEDOWNLOADER=$DOWNLOADER CACHEDIR=$WORKDIR/cache mkdir -p $CACHEDIR find $CACHEDIR -mtime +30 -type f -exec rm -f {} \; DOWNLOADER="cached_downloader" fi # Global variable required by givepriority() # PRIORITYIDX=1 touch ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre for PREPO in ${REPOPLUS[*]};do pref=${MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]} if [ "${pref:0:5}" = "dir:/" ];then localpath=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f2- -d":"|sed -e 's_/$__' -e 's_//_/_') MIRRORPLUS[$PREPO]="dir:$localpath/" if [ ! -d "$localpath" ];then continue fi ( cd $localpath find . -type f -name '*.t[blxg]z'|sed "s,^./,./SLACKPKGPLUS_$PREPO/,"|awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk|sort -k6 -rn >> ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre ) fi done if [ -e $TMPDIR/blacklist ];then sed -i 's/^/^/' $TMPDIR/blacklist fi if [ "$LEGACYBL" == "on" ];then BLKLOPT=-w grep -vE "(^#|^[[:blank:]]*$)" ${CONF}/blacklist > ${TMPDIR}/blacklist fi touch ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters if [[ "$CMD" == "upgrade" || "$CMD" == "upgrade-all" ]] && [ "$ALLOW32BIT" == "on" ] ; then ARCH="\($ARCH\)\|\([i]*[3456x]86[^_]*\)" echo -e "i[3456]86\nx86" > $TMPDIR/greylist.32bit fi if [ "$CMD" == "install" ] || [ "$CMD" == "upgrade" ] || [ "$CMD" == "reinstall" ] || [ "$CMD" == "remove" ] ; then NEWINPUTLIST="" PRIORITYLIST="" # The priorities in PRIORITYLIST_SX : # * are *all* of kind ".*:" # * are defined to handle cases where a pattern, with version and/or a build number # but without any repository, is passed to install|upgrade (ex: install basename-1.0.1) # # Since there's no way to distinguish patterns with version/build number to other, priorities # of kind ".*:" are also generated for patterns without version/build number. As a # consequence, these priorities could interfer with other defined priorities (1). To prevent # this, these priorities are handled after all other priorities. # PRIORITYLIST_SX="" for pref in $INPUTLIST ; do [[ "$pref" =~ , ]]&&{ pref="${pref/\*}" ; pref="${pref/,},*" ; } PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="" # You can specify 'slackpkg install .' that is an alias of 'slackpkg install dir:./' if [ "$pref" == "." ];then pref="dir:./" fi # You can specify 'slackpkg install file:package-1.0-noarch-1my.txz' on local disk; # optionally you can add absolute or relative path. if echo "$pref" | grep -E -q "file:.*\.t.z$" ; then package=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f2- -d":") localpath=$(dirname $package) package=$(basename $package) if [ ${localpath:0:1} != "/" ];then localpath=$(pwd)/$localpath fi repository=file$(grep ^SLACKPKGPLUS_file ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|awk '{print $1}'|uniq|wc -l) echo "./SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository/$package"|awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk >> ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre MIRRORPLUS[$repository]="file:/$localpath/" PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}:$package ) REPOPLUS=( ${repository} ${REPOPLUS[*]} ) package=$(cutpkg $package) # require to add rule "$repository $package" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${repository} ${package}" # You can specify 'slackpkg install dir:directory' on local disk, where 'directory' have a relative or absolute path elif [ "${pref:0:4}" = "dir:" ]; then localpath=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f2- -d":"|sed 's_/$__') if [ ! -d "$localpath" ];then continue fi repository=dir$(grep ^SLACKPKGPLUS_dir ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|awk '{print $1}'|uniq|wc -l) if [ ${localpath:0:1} != "/" ];then localpath=$(pwd)/$localpath fi ( cd $localpath find . -type f -name '*.t[blxg]z'|sed "s,^./,./SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository/,"|awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk|sort -k6 -rn >> ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre ) MIRRORPLUS[$repository]="file:/$localpath/" PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}:.* ) REPOPLUS=( ${repository} ${REPOPLUS[*]} ) package=SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository # require to add rule "$repository .*" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${repository} .*" # You can specify 'slackpkg install http://mysite.org/myrepo/package-1.0-noarch-1my.txz' to install a package from remote path # without manual download. You can use http,https,ftp repositories elif echo "$pref" | grep -E -q "^(https?|ftp)://.*/.*-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^\.]+\.t.z$" ;then repository=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f1 -d":") repository=$repository$(grep ^SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository[0-9] ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|awk '{print $1}'|uniq|wc -l) MIRRORPLUS[$repository]=$(dirname $pref)"/" package=$(basename $pref) echo "./SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository/$package"|awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk >> ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}:$package ) REPOPLUS=( ${repository} ${REPOPLUS[*]} ) package=$(cutpkg $package) # require to add rule "${repository} ${package}" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${repository} ${package}" # You can specify 'slackpkg install http://mysite.org/myrepo' to list remote directory elif echo "$pref" | grep -E -q "^(https?|ftp)://.*/.*" ;then repository=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f1 -d":") repository=$repository$(grep ^SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository[0-9] ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre|awk '{print $1}'|uniq|wc -l) lftp $pref -e "ls;quit" 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $NF}'|grep -E '^.*-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^\.]+\.t.z$'|sort -rn| \ awk '{print "./SLACKPKGPLUS_'$repository'/"$NF}'|awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk >> ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre MIRRORPLUS[$repository]=$(echo "$pref" |sed 's_/$__')"/" PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}:.* ) REPOPLUS=( ${repository} ${REPOPLUS[*]} ) package=SLACKPKGPLUS_$repository # require to add rule "${repository} .*" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${repository} .*" # You can specify 'slackpkg install reponame:packagename' elif echo "$pref" | grep -q "^[-_[:alnum:]]\+[:][a-zA-Z0-9]\+" ; then if [ "$CMD" == "install" ] || [ "$CMD" == "upgrade" ] || [ "$CMD" == "reinstall" ] ; then repository=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f1 -d":") package=$(echo "$pref" | cut -f2- -d":") # require to add rule "${repository} ${package}" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${repository} ${package}" if ! echo "$repository" | grep -qwE "$SLACKDIR_REGEXP" ; then repository="SLACKPKGPLUS_${repository}" fi PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} ${repository}:$package ) fi # You can specify 'slackpkg install reponame' where reponame is a thirdy part repository elif grep -q "^SLACKPKGPLUS_${pref}[ ]" ${WORKDIR}/pkglist ${TMPDIR}/pkglist-pre ; then echo "$pref" | grep -qi "multilib" && MLREPO_SELELECTED=true if $MLREPO_SELELECTED ; then if [ "$CMD" == "install" ] ; then internal_blacklist "glibc-debug" # glibc-debug no longer exists but this not hurt elif [ "$CMD" == "remove" ] ; then internal_blacklist ".*_multilib-x86_64-.*" # slackpkg upgrade-all will remove it fi fi # require to add rule "${pref} .*" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${pref} .*" package="SLACKPKGPLUS_${pref}" PRIORITYLIST=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} SLACKPKGPLUS_${pref}:.* ) # You can specify 'slackpkg install reponame' where reponame is an official repository (slackware,slackware64,extra...) elif grep -q "^${pref}[ ]" ${WORKDIR}/pkglist ; then # -- ${pref} relates to one of the standard directories (ie # slackware,slackware64,testing,extra,...). In this case, # packages is set to "^${pref}" to avoid packages outside # the given "directories" to be selected. For instance, # without this, if slackpkg+ is configured with the # repositories "multilib" and "microlinux", running # "slackpkg install slackware64" leads to install packages # from slackware64 directory, but also packages from # "multilib" and "microlinux" repositories, because packages # from these repositories are stored in directories whose # names include the word "slackware64". # package="^${pref}" # require to add rule "${pref} .*" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE="${pref} .*" # You can specify 'slackpkg install argument' where argument is a package name, part of package name, directory name in repository else # require to add rule ".* ${pref}" in the priority filter PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE=".* ${pref}" package=$pref AUTOPRIORITY=" $AUTOPRIORITY -e $package " if [ "$CMD" == "install" ] || [ "$CMD" == "upgrade" ] ; then PRIORITYLIST_SX=( ${PRIORITYLIST_SX[*]} ".*:${package}" ) fi fi package=$(echo $package|sed 's/\.t[blxg]z$//') [ ! -z "${PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE}" ] && echo "${PRIORITY_FILTER_RULE}" >> ${TMPDIR}/priority.filters # -- only insert "package" if not in NEWINPUTLIST echo "$NEWINPUTLIST" | grep -qw "${package}" || NEWINPUTLIST="$NEWINPUTLIST $package" done # pref in $INPUTLIST INPUTLIST=$NEWINPUTLIST if [ ! -z "$PRIORITYLIST" ] || [ ! -z "$PRIORITYLIST_SX" ] ; then # PRIORITYLIST_SX includes priority of kind .*:pattern. This kind of priority must be handled # after all others, and are, by consequence, added at the end. # NEWPRIORITY=( ${PRIORITYLIST[*]} ${PRIORITY[*]} ${PRIORITYLIST_SX[*]} ) unset PRIORITY # -- This is to avoid duplicated priority rules in the variable # PRIORITY # for np in ${NEWPRIORITY[*]} ; do ADD_PRIORITY=true for cp in ${PRIORITY[*]} ; do if [ "$np" == "$cp" ] ; then ADD_PRIORITY=false break fi done if $ADD_PRIORITY ; then PRIORITY=( ${PRIORITY[*]} $np ) fi done fi fi # "$CMD" == "install" / "upgrade" / "reinstall" / "remove" if [ "$CMD" == "search" ] || [ "$CMD" == "file-search" ] ; then PATTERN=$(echo $ARG | sed -e 's/\+/\\\+/g' -e 's/\./\\\./g' -e 's/ /\|/g' -e 's/^\///') [[ "$PATTERN" =~ , ]]&&{ PATTERN="${PATTERN/\*}" ; PATTERN="${PATTERN/,}," ; } searchPackages $PATTERN case $CMD in search) if [ "$LIST" = "" ]; then echo -e "No package name matches the pattern." else echo -e "The list below shows all packages with name matching \"$PATTERN\".\n" searchlistEX "$LIST" echo -e "\nYou can search specific files using \"slackpkg file-search file\".\n" fi if [[ "${PATTERN}" =~ , ]];then SBORESULT="$(grep -E -i "^SBO_[^ ]* ${PATTERN%,*} " $WORKDIR/pkglist 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $6}')" else SBORESULT="$(grep -E -i "^SBO_[^ ]* [^ ]*${PATTERN}" $WORKDIR/pkglist 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $6}')" fi if [ ! -z "$SBORESULT" ];then echo echo "Also found in SBo (download it with 'slackpkg download '):" echo echo -e "[package]\n$SBORESULT"|sed -e 's/ / /' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/ \[/[ /g' -e 's/\]/ ]/g'|grep --color -E -i -e "${PATTERN%,*}" -e ^ echo fi ;; file-search) if [ "$LIST" = "" ]; then echo -e "No packages contains \"$PATTERN\" file." else echo -e "The list below shows the packages that contains \"$PATTERN\" file.\n" searchlistEX "$LIST" echo -e "\nYou can search specific packages using \"slackpkg search package\".\n" fi ;; esac cleanup fi # "$CMD" == "search" / "file-search" if [ "$CMD" == "check-updates" ] ; then [ ! -e ~/.slackpkg ] && mkdir ~/.slackpkg echo -n "" > ~/.slackpkg/updated-repos.txt UPDATES=false touch ${TMPDIR}/waiting if [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ];then checkchangelog ERR=$? else if [[ ! ${SPINNING} = "off" ]]; then echo -n "Searching for updates... " spinning ${TMPDIR}/waiting & fi exec 3>&1 4>&2 TTYREDIRECTION=1 checkchangelog >/dev/null 2>&1 ERR=$? TTYREDIRECTION="" exec 1>&3 2>&4 fi if [ $ERR -ne 0 ]; then # -- Note: # checkchangelog() download the CHECKSUMS.md5.asc and stores it # in ${TMPDIR} # extract the slackpkgplus repositories md5 from the CHECKSUMS.md5.asc # files (in ${WORKDIR} and ${TMPDIR} to identify updates in Slackware # repository. # grep -v "^SLACKPKGPLUS_.*\[MD5\] " ${WORKDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.old grep -v "^SLACKPKGPLUS_.*\[MD5\] " ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc > ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.new if ! diff --brief ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.old ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc.new >/dev/null ; then echo "slackware" > ${TMPDIR}/updated-repos.txt fi # -- get the list of the repositories configured before this call to check-updates # grep "^SLACKPKGPLUS_.*\[MD5\] " ${WORKDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc | sed 's/^SLACKPKGPLUS_//; s/\[MD5\]//' | cut -f1 -d" "> ${TMPDIR}/selected.3pr # create pseudo changelogs for the selected 3rd party repositories # grep "^SLACKPKGPLUS_.*\[MD5\] " ${WORKDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc | sort > "${TMPDIR}/3rp-CHECKSUMS.old" grep "^SLACKPKGPLUS_.*\[MD5\] " ${TMPDIR}/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc | sort > "${TMPDIR}/3rp-CHECKSUMS.new" # from the pseudo checksums, find the updated 3rd party repositories and add them # to the updates report file # comm -1 -3 "${TMPDIR}/3rp-CHECKSUMS.old" \ "${TMPDIR}/3rp-CHECKSUMS.new" \ | sed -e "s/^SLACKPKGPLUS_//" -e "s/\[MD5\]//" \ | cut -f1 -d" " | grep -f ${TMPDIR}/selected.3pr >> "${TMPDIR}/updated-repos.txt" # when TMPDIR/updated-repos.txt is not empty , it contains the # names of the updated repositories. # # NOTE: # at this point, updated-repos.txt can be empty when user # has added a repository in REPOPLUS and run "slackpkg check-updates" # instead (or prior to) "slackpkg update" [ -s "${TMPDIR}/updated-repos.txt" ] && UPDATES=true fi rm -f ${TMPDIR}/waiting if $UPDATES ; then echo "Slackpkg: Updated packages are available since last check." >&2 EXIT_CODE=100 printf "\n [ %-24s ] [ %-20s ]\n" "Repository" "Status" for REPO in slackware ${REPOPLUS[*]}; do if grep -q "^${REPO}$" ${TMPDIR}/updated-repos.txt ; then printf " %-24s %-20s \n" "$REPO" "AVAILABLE UPDATES" else printf " %-24s %-20s \n" "$REPO" " Up to date " fi done # save ${TMPDIR}/updates-repos.txt in ~/.slackpkg/updated-repos.txt # cat ${TMPDIR}/updated-repos.txt > ~/.slackpkg/updated-repos.txt else echo "Slackpkg: No updated packages since last check." # Suppress the "pkglist is older than 24h" notice touch $WORKDIR/pkglist 2>/dev/null fi cleanup fi # "$CMD" == "check-updates" if [ "$CMD" == "download" ];then printf "%s\n" $ROOT/var/log/packages/* | awk -f /usr/libexec/slackpkg/pkglist.awk > ${TMPDIR}/tmplist cat $TMPDIR/pkglist-pre ${WORKDIR}/pkglist | applyblacklist > ${TMPDIR}/pkglist echo -n "Looking for $(echo $INPUTLIST | tr -d '\\*') in package list. Please wait... " for ARGUMENT in $(echo $INPUTLIST); do if [[ "$ARGUMENT" =~ , ]];then ARGUMENT=${ARGUMENT/\*} ; ARGUMENT=${ARGUMENT/,} for i in $(grep " ${ARGUMENT%,*} " ${TMPDIR}/pkglist | cut -f2 -d\ | sort -u); do LIST="$LIST $(grep " ${i} " ${TMPDIR}/pkglist |grep " ${ARGUMENT%,*} " | cut -f6,8 -d\ --output-delimiter=.)" done else for i in $(grep -w -- "${ARGUMENT}" ${TMPDIR}/pkglist | cut -f2 -d\ | sort -u); do LIST="$LIST $(grep " ${i} " ${TMPDIR}/pkglist |grep -w -- "${ARGUMENT}" | cut -f6,8 -d\ --output-delimiter=.)" done fi LIST="$(echo -e $LIST | sort -u)" done echo -e "DONE\n" DELALL="off" if ! [ "$LIST" = "" ]; then showlist "$LIST" $CMD for i in $SHOWLIST; do getpkg $i true done else echo -e "No packages match the pattern for download." EXIT_CODE=20 fi cleanup fi fi INPROGRESS=0