Tue Mar 4 12:26:33 UTC 2025 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.2-noarch-1alien.txz: Upgraded. - Apply fixes to the use of French language. - Restrict install-new to slackware64 and patches. - Define GPG in slackpkgplus.conf (needed by slackpkg+ in 15.0). - Fix parsing of the SBo git repository data used for slackware-current. +-------------------------+ Sat Mar 1 20:39:40 UTC 2025 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.1-noarch-1alien.txz: Upgraded. - Alien BOB forked slackpkg+ to apply overdue updates. All changes will be merged back into zerouno's original repository when/if he returns to the stage. - Use '$GPG' variable defined in slackpkg instead of hardcoding 'gpg' - Update the 3rd-party repositories - Warn when algorithm used to create GPG key is incompatible with gpg1 +-------------------------+ Wed Sep 7 09:24:29 CEST 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-7mt.txz: Rebuilt - egrep deprecated. thx to ma marav +-------------------------+ Sat May 7 01:31:38 CEST 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-6mt.txz: Rebuilt - wget2 did print CWD - fixed typo in documentation +-------------------------+ Sat May 7 01:06:13 CEST 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-5mt.txz: Rebuilt - wget2 does not honor WGETOPTS +-------------------------+ Mon Apr 18 18:19:11 CEST 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-4mt.txz: Rebuilt - Show filename in wget2 instead directory +-------------------------+ Sun Apr 3 19:29:38 CEST 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-3mt.txz: Rebuilt - Manage '+' in $TEMP path - Remove obsolete or broken repositories from list - Add SBo 15.0 +-------------------------+ Wed Feb 16 15:50:11 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - slackpkg update will return exit code 2 on broken slackware mirrors - Advice if you are installing a wrong release of multilibs. - Make difference in switching from current >15.0 or from <15.0 to 15.0 +-------------------------+ Thu Feb 3 11:18:01 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.0-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade Hello, World! Slackware 15.0 was finally released so slackpkg+ has been adapted, so we can release Slackpkg+ 1.8.0 final release. Also some third party repositories are ready. A notice: starting from now /slackpkg+/ official repository will contain slackpkg+ 1.8 (an alias o /slackpkg+15/ repository, unless you are using wget/curl/lftp from slackware 14.2; in this case the site automatically show slackpkg+1.7. You can put https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/ for historical reason in slackpkgplus.conf, but you are encouraged to use https://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+15/ or /slackpkg+dev/ instead it. I thank everyone for contributing by reporting bugs or new proposal. Special thanks to those who maintain the repositories, that make slackpkg+ useful. +-------------------------+ Sat Jan 29 16:42:01 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.rc3-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Give a chance to disable the packages cache purge. - some cosmetic report (thx to marav) - small issue trying to clean cache directory - A minor in slackpkg info on sbo packages - Generated 1.8 branch on github and slakfinder repositories - New repository /slackpkg+1.8/ and a dynamic repository /slackpkg+/ that automatically select a release for slackware 14.2 o 15.0 +-------------------------+ Sun Jan 16 00:05:32 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.rc2-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Fixed an advice at first 1.8 install - Fixed slackpkg info for sbo packages - Avoid slackpkg runs update before load slackpkg+ code - Fixed automatic rebuild pkglist +-------------------------+ Fri Jan 14 20:49:06 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.rc1-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - Advice to run /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.vi-ex if some upgrade delete the /usr/bin/vi link (may happens upgrading from 14.2 to 15.0) - Protect from slackware downgrades in case of wrong slackware mirror selected. - Report in /var/run/needs_restarting if some upgrade needs a reboot (from a non-release feature of slackpkg) - zlookkernel.sh does not try to configure grub, just re-configure if it is already configure +-------------------------+ Thu Jan 13 10:48:24 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.8.rc1-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade Slackware 15.0 rc3 has been released, declared as 99% freezed. Slackpkg too has had many changes, fix and improvement, and it's the time for slackpkg+ 1.8 to be declared ready. See the CHANGES in documentation for all improvements. - Regression on (not-needed) gpg key check on dir:/ repository +-------------------------+ Tue Jan 11 21:42:33 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.11-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - Automatically download gpg key if needed if STRICTGPG=on. If STRICTGPG=off you need to manually run slackpkg update gpg every time you add a new repository. +-------------------------+ Tue Jan 11 19:24:04 CET 2022 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.11-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - zlookkernel.sh also supports grub (thanks to RezaT4795) - repositories.lst updated - Added "comma" syntax. Now you can add a comma (,) at start or at end of packagename to match the exact name, so "libreoffice," does match the "libreoffice" package and not the libreoffice-dict-* ecc. for ex: slackpkg upgrade libreoffice, slackpkg install alienbob:libreoffice, slackpkg download libreoffice, slackpkg search libreoffice, +-------------------------+ Sun Dec 19 23:40:59 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.10-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - According to slackpkg 15.0.9, automatically rebuild package lists if missing or not build by slackpkg+ +-------------------------+ Tue Oct 26 10:10:23 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.9-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - According to slackpkg 15.0.8 new exit codes was added in slackpkg+ too: 0 Successful Slackpkg execution. 1 Something wrong happened. 2 Something fatal happened. (not available in slackpkg) 20 No package found to be downloaded, installed, reinstalled, upgraded or removed. 50 Slackpkg itself was upgraded and you need to re-run it. 100 There are pending updates. Please: do not ignore the fatal output! +-------------------------+ Sat Oct 16 15:39:45 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.8-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - New feature: CHECKDISKSPACE=on in configuration enable checking diskspace before download and install packages - Fixed an issue on zlookkernel when /boot/vmlinuz is a symlink to another symlink +-------------------------+ Fri Jul 9 00:47:35 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.7-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Added support for SBo-current repository (by cgit ponce) - slackpkg download can download SBo scripts - Replaced SBOURL with array SBO to allow multiple repository. please do not change the default value. +-------------------------+ Sun Jul 4 23:51:46 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-9mt.txz: Rebuilt - Just updated repositories in documentation and in sample config file. Note that some repository now force ssl, and bear.alienbase.ln moved to slackware.nl and www.slakfinder.org moved to slakfinder.org. If not explicitly put it in configuration files, the cached downloader may not work properly. So it's important update slackpkgplus.conf +-------------------------+ Sun Jul 4 19:57:22 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-8mt.txz: Rebuilt - slackpkg update now force to download all metadata if conf file change (thanks to chrisretusn) - 'slackpkg download ' works +-------------------------+ Fri Jun 11 16:25:43 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-7mt.txz: Rebuilt - Removed bash completion file (already included in slackpkg) +-------------------------+ Fri Jun 11 15:36:58 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-6mt.txz: Rebuilt - slackpkg 15.0.5 incompatible gpg hardening. +-------------------------+ Wed May 26 20:31:25 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-5mt.txz: Rebuilt - cached_downloader did not correctly honor VERBOSE >= 2 +-------------------------+ Fri May 14 21:01:28 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-4mt.txz: Rebuilt - bad package +-------------------------+ Fri May 14 20:53:06 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-3mt.txz: Rebuilt - fix some regression with use of link +-------------------------+ Thu May 13 22:37:45 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - link instead copy for local repositories (thanks to zdolar) - WGETOPTS="-q" works with links too (use it with USETERSE=on) - zlookkernel did not honor PLUGIN_ZLOOKKERNEL_PROMPT=off correctly +-------------------------+ Wed May 12 00:02:47 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.6-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Added LEGACYBL to allow slackpkg+ to use the previous blacklist system - Fix 'continue' error message with -dialog=off - Print "Package:" on the same line of progress counter in downloading +-------------------------+ Mon May 3 10:05:41 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.5-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - Not really need to rerun slackpkg update. - blacklist works as slackpkg +-------------------------+ Mon Mar 29 21:19:36 CEST 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.5-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Added TERSESEARCH to show a compact output in search function (thanks to edrozenberg) +-------------------------+ Sat Mar 20 23:01:33 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.4-noarch-3mt.txz: Rebuilt - Fix exit code for check-updates (slackpkg 15.0.1); now it return 1 if there are updates available - Fix an incompatibility with dir:// repository and slackpkg 15.0.1 +-------------------------+ Mon Mar 8 21:45:32 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.4-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - doinst.sh does remove CHECKSUMS.md5 instead pkglist - fix slackbuild - shorter pause after some warning - suppress some check-updates warning when run as non-root user - Improved ZLookKernel: Monitor other than vmlinuz (i.e. vmlinuz-generic) Run it from cmdline directly Configure it to ask less confirmation Better documentation (open the zlookkernel.sh to read it) +-------------------------+ Tue Mar 2 17:31:29 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.4-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade This release does not introduce feature on the core; just add a section to configuration file to enable some currently hidden feature. - Added plugin section. Now we can enable or disable sperimental plugin from configuration file. Currently we have two plugins. - ZLookKernel: help you to rebuild the initrd and install lilo or EFI elilo - ZChangeLog: generate a changelog for all repository at every 'update' process +-------------------------+ Mon Mar 1 20:40:19 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.3-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade Starting from 1.7.1, slackpkg+ no longer supports Slackware 14.2 (i.e. slackpkg-15.0). It advice you to downgrade to 1.7.0. Now we can fix some things that can break the backward compatibility. - from 2.84.0_beta1: Use CHECKSUMS.md5.asc to determine ChangeLog newness - from 2.84.0_beta11: check-updates change the messages and print the "no updates" in stdout and "updates available" in stderr. If you are using automatic scripts be sure to fix it. - now both work properly with slackpkg+ +-------------------------+ Thu Feb 25 12:56:55 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.2-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - Solved bad progress bar in download/upgrade process +-------------------------+ Wed Feb 24 22:07:25 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.2-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade It's the time to summarize all changes. As always, a big thanks goes to phenixia2003 and all other contributor Now we can summarise the changes. You can find a full list in the CHANGES documentation file slackpkg+ 1.7.2 adds new features with some new entries in configuration file that you should merge in your old slackpkgplus.conf: SBOURL , USETERSE , PROXY , USEBL (not new but changed the values) also some default values was changed from 1.7 to 1.7.2 see README for details. New features: - Now slackpkgplus.conf has a manpage, also available in italian - Now we have a "fatal log". If it occurs please does not ignore it! - Now we can search packages in SBo repository. (does not replace sbopkg) - Now we can use httpdir/httpsdir/ftpdir repositories without metadata - Added an optional zlookkernel script to allow slackpkg to update initrd Improvements: - Quick output for Cached Download for a most clear output. - Improved output for 'slackpkg search' - Replaced Spinning with Percentage - Better output for download/install process - Now cachedupdate support HTTP/2 servers - bash_completion is now enabled by default Note: - slackpkg+ currently does not support $ROOT - slackpkg-15 uses a new blacklist syntax; this works fine with slackpkg+ but just for blacklist; don't use it for greylist +-------------------------+ Mon Feb 15 21:14:31 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.1-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - This is a temporary release - Slackpkg+ devel no longer supports slackware 14.2 +-------------------------+ Mon Feb 8 18:41:17 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-13mt.txz: Rebuilt - Fixed some regression on blacklist with slackpkg-15 +-------------------------+ Mon Jan 25 16:50:48 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-12mt.txz: Rebuilt - Other fix for counter on big package lists (thank chrisretusn for reporting) - Reverted zlookkernel. It need more testing. +-------------------------+ Sun Jan 24 20:19:11 CET 2021 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-11mt.txz: Rebuilt - Fixed counter on big package lists (thank chrisretusn for reporting) - Added percentage to download process - Improved "Installing..." and "Upgrading..." messages - zlookkernel: select huge or generic kernel according the running kernel instead the vmlinuz link - Removed ktown from default repositories +-------------------------+ Sun Mar 15 21:36:19 CET 2020 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-10mt.txz: Rebuilt - Small fix in search packages - Added httpdir/httpsdir/ftpdir repository type. See documentation. +-------------------------+ Sun Mar 8 17:28:40 CET 2020 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-9mt.txz: Rebuilt - Regression due percentage improvements +-------------------------+ Sun Mar 8 13:58:45 CET 2020 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-8mt.txz: Rebuilt - Extends percentage where possible. - Align check-updates messages with slackpkg 2.84 - Catch errors and return exit status: 1 for warning, 2 for fatal +-------------------------+ Tue Feb 18 08:30:10 CET 2020 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-7mt.txz: Rebuilt - Replace SPINNING with PROGRESS status - Small fix the Cached Downloader output - Added USETERSE option to enable --terse on pkgtools - Added PROXY to use a proxy - Fix for servers using HTTP/2 on checkrepos.sh - Fix search where there are duplicated packages (thanks phenixia2003) - Improved upgrade info on search (thanks phenixia2003) - Added Added /usr/libexec/slackpkg/zlookkernel.sh tool. Edit it to see instructions. +-------------------------+ Thu Jan 3 12:18:57 CET 2019 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-6mt.txz: Rebuilt - Allow to use the blacklist system from slackpkg 2.84 (still in beta). Only impact install/upgrade/remove options, and does not impact greylist. - Fixed searching groups (a, ap, ...) instead packages - Fix for servers using HTTP/2 on cached downloader +-------------------------+ Fri Jun 15 18:25:33 CEST 2018 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-5mt.txz: Rebuilt - Fix incompatibility with slackpkg prior 2.83.0-noarch-3 +-------------------------+ Fri Jun 15 16:09:51 CEST 2018 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-4mt.txz: Rebuilt - Fix incompatibility with slackpkg-2.83.0-noarch-3 - Fix setupmultilib script. It did use oldstyle 'multilib:' - Fix a regression in TAG PRIORITY - Handle the case where /var/log/packages is a symlink +-------------------------+ Thu Apr 26 23:49:04 CEST 2018 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-3mt.txz: Rebuilt - Do not log 'install.log' and 'fatal.log' when DOWNLOADONLY=on - issue with slackpkg-2.83 (development release) +-------------------------+ Sat Apr 14 00:09:27 CEST 2018 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - Add a fatal.log for messages that users should not ignore. Currently it log if a package fails to install/upgrade/remove. - slackpkg upgrade did not work with slackpkg-2.83 (development release) - Fixed checkrepos.sh when server response is 302 - smaller output for slackpkg search +-------------------------+ Sun Oct 2 13:55:26 CEST 2016 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d1-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgrade - Added SBo support. This does not replace sbopkg. It just search in SlackBuilds.org and report the url to download to build and install packages yourself. +-------------------------+ Fri Jul 8 19:18:29 CEST 2016 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d0-noarch-4mt.txz: Rebuilt - Slackware 14.2 was finally released. Updated repository list. - Added manpage for the configuration file (man slackpkgplus.conf) - bash_completion is now enabled by default - Improved checkrepos.sh (now write PACKAGES.TXT size and last update time) - Changed some default settings in sample configuration file; also USEBL accepts on/off instead 0/1 +-------------------------+ Wed Jun 22 21:05:15 CEST 2016 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d0-noarch-3mt.txz: Rebuilt - slackpkg search did not honor the '+' symbol (thanks to yars) +-------------------------+ Wed Jun 22 00:01:56 CEST 2016 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d0-noarch-2mt.txz: Rebuilt - slackpkg check-updates did not work unless you set VERBOSE=3 (thanks to Talus). +-------------------------+ Tue Jun 15 00:45:00 CEST 2016 pkg/slackpkg+-1.7.0d0-noarch-1mt.txz: Upgraded Setting up mainline branch. - Fixed some typos and missed SEARCH_CLOG_INPARENT documentation in README - Suppress wget output in ChangeLog downloading - Fixed an issue when an invalid repository is configured +-------------------------+ Version 1.7.0rc3 - 03/Jun/2016 This could be the last batch of updates before 1.7.0 stable, so please test! - dialog did no more trap develop errors (but if occurs please report it) - givepriority did drop matched package if it is the first in pkglist - Added /usr/src/slackpkg+-*/slackpkg.bash_completation. Edit it for instructions. Version 1.7.0rc2 - 02/Jun/2016 - ChangeLog did not skipped for dir:/ repositories - ChangeLog did not show correctly certain slackware changelog - dir:/ repositories does not need STRICTGPG nor GPG key; however remember that if .asc file exists a key must be manually imported - Removed makeinstlog.sh since it was bugged and no longer supported - Repositories in default configuration file are bumped to 14.2 - Full 1.7.0 changes tracked in CHANGES file - Added /usr/libexec/slackpkg/zchangelog.sh tool. Edit it to see instructions. Version 1.7.0rc1 - 19/May/2016 - WW_FILE_SEARCH did affect file search AND package search - fixed warning in update when one repository does not have the changelog - ignore the package extension in package selection - fixed a regression in dir: repository Version 1.7.b4.3 - 02/May/2016 - Optimized code for generating ChangeLogs. (phenixia2003) Version 1.7.b4.2 - 18/Apr/2016 - Improved cached downloader with specifics output for ChangeLogs - Fixed a bug in TAG_PRIORITY when the package is not installed - Improved performance in upgrade by skipping priority check for not installed packages Version 1.7.b4.1 - 15/Apr/2016 - slackpkg allow ChangeLog for third-party repositories too. - Reduced verbosity in cached downloader == most clear output. Version 1.7.b4 - 14/Mar/2016 - slackpkg search now search in dir:// repositories too. - subdirectory allowed in dir:// repositories. - slackpkg search honour correctly the '+' character - Added 'ChangeLog' dialog box to show the changelog of selected packages (thanks to phenixia2003) Version 1.7.b3 - 27/Feb/2016 - Added WW_FILE_SEARCH to file-search whole-words o not (thanks to yars068) - Colorized the slackpkg search results - Added DETAILED_INFO to allow slackpkg info to show many details on the package - slackpkg reinstall fixed; also now allow to choose the repository as in install/upgrade; this becouse there more than one repository containing identicals packages. - dir:// repositories and inline repositories has most priority Version 1.7.b2 - 29/Jan/2016 - Avoid slackpkg to corrupt the slackware database if there are some manual upgrade in progress. - Fixed a regression in TAG_PRIORITY. - Added spinning in check-updates. - Fixed bad trap CTRL+C when spinning is on. - Fixed a regression in SENSITIVE_SEARCH. - Cached Download works with check-updates too. - check-updates shows downloader output if VERBOSE=3 Version 1.7.b1 - 18/Jan/2016 Well, I think that we can mark that version as Beta. It does not contains new features, but it was done a large work of bugfixes and improvements. A special thanks is for phenixia2003 and yars068 for code contributing and for many other for ideas and testing. It's the time for the tests, to find for bugs or someother improvement. - Improved greylist. Now it allow to match the name in installed packages, so it also impact remove and clean-system actions. - Improved performance searching packages and preparing the package list in large install/upgrade. - Improved 'slackpkg search' that now shows all packages matching from all repositories, not just that in priority; it will mark as 'masked' the packages that would not selected in install/upgrade mode. Also always show repository source for official packages. - Quick output for Cached Download.. - Does not show notices to remember to run 'slackpkg update' when running slackpkg check-updates. - Fixed Download Only when upgrade base packages (aaa_base, pkgtools...). - Fixed a bug in slackpkg upgrade when used with $ROOT. - Repositories now can contains letters, numbers, minus and underscore - Fixed a bug on x86 hosts when a repository contains also x86_64 packages - Some fix in Strict GPG Check. Version 1.7.a1 - 04/Jan/2016 It's the time for a stable version of slackpkg+. Currently it is just a development version to fix older feature and add/test new. I'll need more test possible to make it bugfree ;). - Code reordering; now slackpkg+ is only slackpkgplus.sh - BugFix: slackpkg did give 'grep: write error' when running with "sudo su -". - Added repositories; improved checkrepos.sh - Strict GPG Check: Packages and metadata in one repository should be signed with just the root GPG-KEY. This improve security. Some repository might want to contains heterogeneous package. In this case, set STRICTGPG=off. See README. - New repository for slackpkg+ development version Version 1.6.1 - 20/Dec/2015 - Added DOWNLOADONLY to just download packages without installing it Version 1.6.0 - 19/Dec/2015 - Added CACHEUPDATE. You can now speedup the slackpkg update by caching metadata files. Version 1.5.2 - 18/Dec/2015 - Fixed a missed $ROOT - Added SHOWORDER option. It's a way to sort packages in dialog box to help reviewing large upgrade from many repositories. The SHOWORDER option accepts "package" "repository" "tag" "path" "arch". - Fixed some repository url. There are already some 14.2 repositories!!! - slackpkg+ advise you to update the pkglist before use it - Added a script in /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* to a fast check of repositories - slackpkg -dialog=off now show repository name as with dialog - Added SENSITIVE_SEARCH option to search case-insensitive (thanks to phenixia2003) - Important fixes in the priority manager. Many thanks to all people that reported the bugs and a Big thanks to phenixia2003 for the fix. Now we need your help to test it. Version 1.5.1 - 20/Nov/2015 Note for Slackware 14.1 users: slackware-current introduce important bug fix in slackpkg 2.82.0-14 (see Slackware ChangeLog) not backported in slackware 14.1; it is not mandatory but you are encouraged to upgrade it by download it manually; be sure to greylist slackpkg to avoid an automatic downgrade. - The trailing slash in MIRRORPLUS[] is now optional (thanks to phenixia2003 and Didier Spaier) - Added DOWNLOADCMD option to add a custom downloader - Fixed a bug that causes that ALL repositories fail if ONE repository fails (thanks to FR on Alien Pasture for reporting) - Fixed TAG_PRIORITY to avoid impact in slackpkg install Version 1.5.0 - 10/Jul/2015 - Fixed TAG_PRIORITY - Fixed repositories list Version 1.4.99 - 01/Jul/2015 - Added priority by tag. Setting TAG_PRIORITY to 'on' slackpkg+ automatically upgrade packages from repository where the tag is the same of the already installed package. Version 1.4.1 - 16/Jun/2015 - Fix for repositories having CHECKSUMS.md5.gz.asc Version 1.4.0 - 13/Dec/2014 - Now the official repositories (slackware64, extra, patches...) are treated as thirdy party repositories, so you can add it in PKGS_PRIORITY (phenixia2003) - To put an entire repository in PKGS_PRIORITY, you no more need to add ':.*' after the name (phenixia2003) Version 1.3.3 - 26/Oct/2014 - Patched to avoid to install glibc-debug from alienbob multilib (thanks to phenixia2003) Version 1.3.2 - 13/Jul/2014 - Patched to reflect changes on slackpkg 2.82.0-13 Version 1.3.1 - 7/Mar/2014 - Improved check-updates function (thanks to phenixia2003) - Improved debug-mode Version 1.3.0 - 1/Jan/2014 - Added a debug-mode download verbosity - On upgrade, the status bar show available packages from every repository Version 1.2.0 - 9/Dec/2013 - Now ALLOW32BIT also auto-greylist the 32bit packages - Added an install log in /var/lib/slackpkg/install.log; use '/usr/libexec/slackpkg/makeinstlog.sh -t' to create a starting install.log (it TRY to detect the repository) Version 1.1.0 - 6/Dec/2013 - Added ALLOW32BIT flag to allow to install 32bit packages on a 64bit system - setupmultilib.sh install only adaptative multilib by default - Small fixes Version 1.0.2 - 6/Dec/2013 - Added WGETOPTS - Moved notifications on a dedicated configuration file (notifymsg.conf) Version 1.0.1 - 14/Nov/2013 - Fixed fatal on 'pasture' repository and on invalid repository Version 1.0 - 11/Nov/2013 - slackpkg+ 1.0 stable finally relased - All repositories aligned to newest slackware version - Documentation reformatting and some typo fix (thanx to idlemoor) - Added function 'notification on event' that allow to insert reminders when you install/ugrade/remove some packages. See slackpkgplus.conf samples. (thanks to phenixia2003) Version 1.0rc3 - 28/Oct/2013 - slackpkg+ 1.0 release candidate 3. Last call. :) - Added setupmultilib.sh in /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*, an helper for configure multilibs in slackpkgplus.conf Version 1.0rc2 - 21/Oct/2013 - Looks like we get a slackpkg+ 1.0 release candidate 2... but things are pretty much nailed down at this point. Please test and report any last :D - Updated some repository to 14.1 Version 1.0rc1 - 16/Oct/2013 - Slackware 14.1 is coming up. I think that also slackpkg+ is ready so as Slackware I mark it as rc1 :). slackpkg 2.82.0-11 added the 14.1 repositories. Unfortuatly I don't know which third-party repository will contains 14.1 packages, so I can't add 14.1 to repositories.txt - You can now ovverride SLACKPKGPLUS VERBOSE from command-line (as USEBL) Version - 24/Sep/2013 - Try a better way to detect the newest version of the same package in local or remote directory (does not guarantees 100% success) - Try to download CHECKSUMS.md5.gz.asc if CHECKSUMS.md5.asc does not exists (as salixos repository) Version - 10/Sep/2013 - Fix an issue with dir:// repositories and gpg check Version - 09/Sep/2013 - Added support for unrepositorized local directory in config file - Added USEBL to temporary skip blacklist check (USEBL=0 slackpkg install..) Version - 06/Sep/2013 - fixed a bug on 'slackpkg upgrade file:..' Version 0.9.7 - 05/Sep/2013 - Added install/upgrade/reinstall from disk with file:package.txz or dir:path, and remote with {http,ftp,htts}://site/path/[package.txz], unrepositorized packages. Please, read the README file. - Disallow to choice the download manager; slackpkg+ require wget AND lftp Version - 02/Sep/2013 - fixed a bug in new dialog function (thanks to phenixia2003) Version 0.9.6 - 01/Sep/2013 - fixed a slackpkg bug that does not recreate $WORKDIR if it does not exists. - added repository name in dialog Version 0.9.5 - 28/Aug/2013 - fixed a problem with some compat32 packages - fixed a issue about packages selection with the official slackware repository (thanks to phenixia2003) Version 0.9.4 - 27/Aug/2013 - fixed a issue when a pattern is used multiple times in argument - fixed a bug in install/upgrade regarding the enhanced priority - fixed a bug in search which leads to wrong information about upgrade - allow to to install/upgrade/reinstall/remove all the packages from a given repository (thanks to phenixia2003 for big patch) Version 0.9.3 - 25/Aug/2013 - fixed md5 check (thanks to AlienBob) Version 0.9.2 - 01/Aug/2013 - allow to search the non $ARCH packages - speed up the update process - allow to disable the download status bar Version 0.9.1 - 05/May/2013 - fixed an error when a folder is missing in the slackware mirror (as /testing). - fixed a conflict searching the package 'slackpkg' - added file-search function Version 0.9rc3 - 01/May/2013 - added more config file checks - fixed a bug that does not allow to use the gpg check - fixed a bug that deny to use local slackware mirror Version 0.9rc2 - 30/Apr/2013 - added config file checks - fixed a bug that try to check gpg even if CHECKGPG is set to off - fixed a bug that show compat32 packages as duplicated - implemented 'slackpkg search' Version 0.9rc1 - 29/Apr/2013 - added some repository Version 0.9beta2 - 27/Apr/2013 - fixed a 'package' bug that override slackpkgplus.conf (instead .new) - added doinst.sh that auto-select a configuration file depending $ARCH - fixed priority system bug when two repositories have package with the same full name Version 0.9beta1 - 26/Apr/2013 - added repositories in conf file - added a priority system for repository only - added support to local repository Version 0.9test1 - 26/Apr/2013 - added a priority system for repository and single packages - added gpg support - added explicit support for alienbob multilibs Version 0.3beta - 10/Oct/2012 - Added slackware 14.0 in default configuration Version 0.2beta - 28/Sep/2012 - renamed in 'slackpkg+' - allow to add multiple repositories - extends the slackpkg 'PRIORITY' Version 0.1 - 12/Jul/2011 First release. - added slacky repository to slackpkg