PACKAGE NAME: liblrdf-0.6.1-x86_64-2alien.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./liblrdf/pkg64/15.0 PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 56 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 240 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: ladspa_sdk,raptor2 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: liblrdf: liblrdf (lightweight RDF library to access LADSPA plugin metadata) liblrdf: liblrdf: liblrdf is a library to make it easy to manipulate RDF files liblrdf: describing LADSPA plugins. liblrdf: It can also be used for general RDF manipulation. It can read liblrdf: RDF/XLM and N3 files and export N3 files. liblrdf: It also has a light taxonomic inference capablility. liblrdf: liblrdf: liblrdf: More info: liblrdf: