This is an unofficial mirror for slackware. As of now, this site only mirrors,
In /etc/slackpkg/mirrors, make sure only one mirror is uncommented.
~$ cat /etc/slackpkg/mirrors | grep -v '#'
The grep bit just removes lines that have a #, i.e commented lines.
Here's how my /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf file looks like
~$ cat /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf | grep -v '#' | sed '/^$/d' SLACKPKGPLUS=on VERBOSE=1 USETERSE=on TERSESEARCH=on ALLOW32BIT=off USEBL=on LEGACYBL=off WGETOPTS="--timeout=20 --tries=2" SEARCH_CLOG_INPARENT=on CACHEUPDATE=off GREYLIST=on SENSITIVE_SEARCH=off WW_FILE_SEARCH=off SHOWORDER=package DETAILED_INFO=basic STRICTGPG=on PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ) TAG_PRIORITY=off REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob multilib ) MIRRORPLUS['multilib']= MIRRORPLUS['alienbob']= MIRRORPLUS['restricted']= MIRRORPLUS['slackpkgplus']=
The sed bit removes blank lines. The MIRRORPLUS items are what you should be interested in.
Check status.txt.
Ashish "aktsbot" Kurian Thomas <akts at disroot dot org
Note: If you think me owning this domain or hosting a half-baked mirror(because?) is not cool, let me know.
Please don't bug Pat or the slackware crew with queries about this mirror.
This mirror is dedicated to Dr. Steve Anelay a.k.a OldTechBloke.
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